The Ultimate Droid Wallpapers - Updated 10/12/10

Looks really good on my Droid! Thanks a ton!!
Awesome wallps, any chance you guys could make some boot animations?

ummm maybe, i will have to get some help with that but dont see y not. maybe we might have a boot animation making contest for ud :)
Awesome wallps, any chance you guys could make some boot animations?

ummm maybe, i will have to get some help with that but dont see y not. maybe we might have a boot animation making contest for ud :)

anything ever come of this? these wallpapers work with 3.0?

wallpapers work on any rom. just an img. nothing yet on boot animation. im taking care of personal stuff and havent found anyone to make them yet. im not good at making boot animations :(
RafficaX, wasn't there a UD bootanimation on one of the new era roms that BD made? I could have swore there was, it was the UD symbol 3d cube and spun. I have been looking through my computers for the rom for a while because I have wanted to load it up and still have yet to find it. I am starting to think i imagined it lol