[THEME] Gingerbread CM6.1

Damn, Benny. I've been an ADW user since I can remember, but that is just so sharp. I think I've gotta switch. :)
I'd donate

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Are you Incredible people looking for CyanogenMod theme ports? If so, where do most of you hang out?

Idk where everyone else hangs out... I just stick around here and the Cyanogen forums... occasionally, I peak my head in XDA. I know that there aren't enough themes for it, though. xD
Awesome job on the theme! Everything themed without a hitch and is looking great, thanks for all the hard work!
Theme has been updated. Now with cleaner notification pulldown thats closer to Gingerbread and new Market version 2.2.7 with Gingerbread status bar icons.
good question, and has the enhanced version been updated as well?
After I installed this theme, I lost the option to do Wifi hotspot tethering in CyanogenMod 6.1. Anyone else? Solutions? I have reverted to a backup to restore the feature for now.

Looks great by the way. The only complaints I have are the loss of Wifi tethering and the grey background on the power control strip in the notification bar.
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Benny, will the blackbar with no clock you linked me over at M1's work on 6.1.2? great work on the revised theme by the way!!!
Anyone have that themed launcher pro? I'm not finding it in the op anymore.
This theme is so stock and clean that it makes me want to puke! Phenomenal job. I've never been so happy with the stock look of an Android OS until now. Phuck!
Can someone give me the gapps for CM? Sorry to get off topic but I need them badly