[THEME] I Present to You... Chrome for UD 2.3


Premium Member
Premium Member
Theme Developer
Jul 27, 2010
Reaction score
This is as Chromed out as I could think of and inverted everywhere I could (memory space permiting).

To install, use CW or SP and install it as an update.zip in recovery. MAKE A BACKUP! An extra 5 minutes before you install could save you hours after you install. SPR Users.. just rename it to update.zip and install.

Apps included.... framework, calendar, camera, contacts, phone, facebook (inverted), gallery3d, google voice (inverted), K9, LatinImeGoogle (keyboard), Music, Phone, Settings, GTalk (inverted) and Vending (Market)(Inverted).

Thanks to thebowers for making the Google Voice inversion, the Market Inversion and the GTalk inversion and for helping me make Facebook inversion update. SO... I DID NOT MAKE the inversions. I themed the inversions. I think they are SLICK and used them instead of the stock white ones.

I would also like to add... thanks Mbk for a whole bunch of help.


NEW: 12/4/10: Handcent was requested... Handcent is now themed. www.metamorphosex.com/Handcent.zip

WALLPAPERS... I tried to hunt down a few from the intraweb. Ballmore was nice enough to make one as well chrome-1 and eiker83 made 5 too. chrome1, chrome2, chrome3, chrome4 and chrome5


To use the icons (and there are many), I used Better Cut. I don't know how to make an ADW theme and put it on the market...sorry.
12/2/10(I do now.. and I will be doing this soon.)

PLEASE... if you like the theme, take the time to tell someone else it's cool and/or to DONATE. Something like 50 cents (or more) and 2 minutes of your life is all I'm asking.

PLEASE let me know what you think good or bad as this is my 1st theme and there are thousands of images. Missing one or two wouldn't be out of the ordinary.

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This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 480x854 and weights 355KB.

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 480x854 and weights 144KB.

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 480x854 and weights 157KB.

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 480x854 and weights 105KB.
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 480x854 and weights 142KB.

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 480x854 and weights 63KB.

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 480x854 and weights 54KB.

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 480x854 and weights 29KB.

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 480x854 and weights 197KB.
As it stands right now, the is for the D1 only. I WILL be doing the Dinc and it will be in the OP by end of business 12/2/10.

EDIT: 12/2/10 7:12pm EST........ Dinc is now in the OP but it has NOT been tested as I do not own a Dinc.
As it stands right now, the is for the D1 only. I WILL be doing the Dinc and it will be in the OP by end of business 12/2/10.

Big props to you xkape for all the hard work and to MBK for all the support! Donations will be coming to both of you tomorrow.

Two more for the wallpaper collection.


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That's mighty kind of you Adrioid... truly apprecite it. ;)
I'll be test loading Chrome in a bit, had a lot of errands to take care of this morning and hadn't a chance yet, but I'm sure it's ready for prime time now...:)
That's mighty kind of you Adrioid... truly apprecite it. ;)
I'll be test loading Chrome in a bit, had a lot of errands to take care of this morning and hadn't a chance yet, but I'm sure it's ready for prime time now...:)

No problem MBK :)
Adroid... you truely are the man! I sincerely appreciate it.
Thanks for adding one of my wallpapers Xkape. I don't even know which one it is. lol I posted so many between the 2 threads..... I have a lot more that I can send your way. They just aren't perfect yet. If you or MBK want me to send you them just let me know.

Here is what I was working on today (I was thinking of making an X out of the diamonds. It's just the begining stages, and I probably won't use that same snake skin background)


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Ballmore.. I was searching high and low for yours but I could only find one. You post em, I'll add em. Not just the old ones but, I mean the new ones you do as well. :)
Chrome for the Dinc added to the OP.. needs tested though, I have a D1 only.
Just FYI X... your theme loaded up fine, and my TruBlue applied over yours just fine as well, so your theme now can easily be swapped out, back and forth with others.... you have success...;)
Still only about 2 MBs showing according to RootExplorer, but the other system info apps both show more... regardless though, your theme now is interchangeable with others (of course if they even want to, they may stick with yours, but it's a good thing to have that flowing perfectly). :)
Well, tried to flash it through CW (on the incredible), and it failed. something about

assert failed: getprop("ro.product.device")

and some error in /sdcard/custom_x_2.3
status 7
let me look up a status 7 somehow... sorry man, wife sent me to the grocery.
Xkape is this what you meant by the bulls eye ring?


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