{Theme Release}Blacked Out... PEv4.... Screenshots... UPDATED 1/5

Seriously I have a Rusty spoon held to my eye. I will gorge my eye out if this isn't resolved.
Well, if there is anything I like to do while make a theme, is to drink a cold beer...hint, hint....:):)
That's all I needed to hear! Given I'm in millitary so you have my word that on the 31st there will be a case of whatever on the way!
srmason6, yeah the morphs could be causing issues. I would flash the stock rom with no morphs, install my theme, then add your morphs back in...
snead, I tried your advice on ud2.5, and I get the same issues, after i flash the rom clean, then your theme, then the morph, I get boot loops, same thing on PEv.4
So my theme works, just the morphs are whats messing you up, right?
snead, I can load the themes, but then boot loop if I add the morphs, or if the morphs are already there, I boot loop after adding your themes
Sounds like the morphs don't like my theme... I never use them, I have always heard that they cause problems anyway.... do you know how to use apk manager? How many images are you trying to change? If its not too many I may be able to stick them in.....

Sent from nowhere to somewhere......
One is the Patriots transparent pull down and lock screen by Mbk..another ia a blue tab color for the power widget and a battery from droid pirate

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I finally got this theme to flash and sit well with my phone LOL! I think one of the extras I flashed before I tried this theme was causing my cell radio to not work or keyboard. So I did a full wipe, flashed the stock v4 ROM and then went back before anything else and flashed this theme and it worked great. :)

I would have posted sooner, but with the holiday week I never got a chance to reflash this ROM and theme combo. :)
NP, glad it worked and you like it!
Metamorph users....

Anybody that uses MMs, I have a framework that should allow you to use MMs but I need a tester to see if it works, I don't use MM... PM me and I will send you the link... Thanks!!
Ugh I'm not liking this separation of ROM and themes for specific ROM's... have to go hunting all over to subscribe...

Anyways, I've noticed on the lockscreen the sound slider changes to shake... is that deliberate for vibrate only? Cuz I got confuzzled first time I saw it... I was like wtf do I shake my phone for?!?!?
Yeah, it just stands for vibrate..... if I had used "vibrate" I would have had to use smaller text size and it just didn't look as good...