[THEME]Unify Blue Rubix Focused 2.0.1 Theme.

Did you follow instructions in the OP? Got to mount system if you didn't. Let me know if you still can't get it to install. Thanks

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Lol n00b fail I forgot to mount system :p haha thanks just flashed the theme looks really nice! The fonts a little to small for me so I will probably change that but other than that nice work I'll post a screen shot later
How in the heck you get a quadrant that high? I can post another zip without the font if you want. I've got somemore updates coming soon. Starting work on gingerbread.

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Thanks but no thanks I was going to change fonts anyways and im overclocked to ~1.5 ghz

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Well after playing with this for about a day now I think I can say this is one of the coolest themes for RubiX! Really nice work! I would like to see in an update a new battery icon that would turn red when it hit 30~20% and possibly percentages. Other than that good job!
Thanks. Been busy but I will release an update in a few days. Ill have a battery to meet ur request:)

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Yes droidx8791 not only did a killer job but also is very involved with feedback. I'm surprised there aren't a bunch more people jumping on this one. I love it. I came from liberty 2.0 back to rubix with this theme and haven't looked back. I'm cool with updates. Look forward to them.

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Thanks...It's statements like that,that make it worth continuing the work on this theme for everyone. I'm working on updates to the framework everyone should like and battery mods. Should have it ready by wednesday.

Yes droidx8791 not only did a killer job but also is very involved with feedback. I'm surprised there aren't a bunch more people jumping on this one. I love it. I came from liberty 2.0 back to rubix with this theme and haven't looked back. I'm cool with updates. Look forward to them.

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I know this is a bad question but these make the world turn lol...
This theme is to be used with the leaked GB?
right now i am on watermarkd and lovi it but would love to get back to GB. I cant run warermarkd on GB right? I think i tried and that was problems hehe
I am on a DX
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To those who use my theme. There may not be another update. With the gingerbread roms starting to be released soon I want to focus my time on making this theme for gingerbread. If I get a chance I will release one last update but chances are slim.

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To those who use my theme. There may not be another update. With the gingerbread roms starting to be released soon I want to focus my time on making this theme for gingerbread. If I get a chance I will release one last update but chances are slim.

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NO!!! I have been searching all over for a good blue thems for my Droid X. Can you please just make one more release or just somehow add a battery like this?

