Time to update. Need a bit of direction please.


Mar 16, 2011
Reaction score
Rockin' the Droid Razr Maxx HD and last year with KaChow's amazing help I rooted using this tutorial:

+ the hotspot hack

I haven't updated since due to my understanding it would ruin all my root work. My phone is running 4.1.1 and is very sluggish. For whatever reason my RAM is maxed out and I've been using Clean Master to get by.

I assume there is a better version available now but I am unsure of which sticky to follow. Would someone mind pointing me in the right direction? I am looking to get something going tonight.

Many thanks, folks!
Well this is no fun.

Anyone having trouble sending private messages? When I click send it just goes to a blank white web page. Thoughts?
No it does not. It's as if something is broken with the site. Using Chrom and tried from IE as well. Could my account be corrupt or blocked for some reason you think?