Transfer app data from Droid X to Galaxy Nexus


New Member
Jan 9, 2012
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Cincinnati, OH, USA
I have a Droid X and I'm coming up on eligibility to upgrade. I'm thinking of getting a Galaxy Nexus, but I'd like to be able to transfer my app data (not just apps or media, but app data, such as Angry Birds save files) to my new phone. Seeing as the Nexus doesn't have an SD card slot, how would I do this? Would I need to purchase a backup app, or are there free solutions available?
to transfer app data.. the easiest way.. is to be rooted... backup with an app like my backup or titanium backup... backup apps and data.. unlock and root... use a computer to switch the backup over to the gnex... and restore data...

post script: atleast that's how i did it
I have a Droid X and I'm coming up on eligibility to upgrade. I'm thinking of getting a Galaxy Nexus, but I'd like to be able to transfer my app data (not just apps or media, but app data, such as Angry Birds save files) to my new phone. Seeing as the Nexus doesn't have an SD card slot, how would I do this? Would I need to purchase a backup app, or are there free solutions available?

As mentioned if you are rooted and you plan on rooting the Nexus, this is easy. Titanium backup or any of the other backup apps that can make use of root should be fine. You can transfer the backed up files to your device may different ways. Note be cautious of what you restore, as you most definitely can cause issues by restoring system data,

If you aren't rooted and/or don't plan on rooting then perhaps [GUIDE] Full Phone Backup without Unlock or Root - xda-developers <-- that will work. I know it says Nexus, but I have seen other devices have success making a backup with it. Same thing as above, I would be careful what you restore.

There used to be apps that would back up Angry Birds saves, like <-- not sure if these still work.
Sorry, but I'm not going to be rooting my phone... why do they make it so hard for my to get at my data? You'd almost think that Google owns your data or something! I guess I'll have to get a different phone, then - or do they prevent you from putting app data on SD cards, too?
Actually, I might be willing to root my phone if it's reversible (so I only have a small window of being hacked, when I'm doing my backups) and it doesn't void the warranty on my new phone...
Wait a second... so rooting is required to access the app data, and the app data can't be copied to an SD card, and rooting wipes the phone... so does that mean there is absolutely no way to get my app data off my Droid X, even if I root???
Sorry, but I'm not going to be rooting my phone... why do they make it so hard for my to get at my data? You'd almost think that Google owns your data or something! I guess I'll have to get a different phone, then - or do they prevent you from putting app data on SD cards, too?

No other Android device is going to be any different. With or without an sdcard, transferring your app data between device is only going to work using the methods I listed above. Things that are not stored on your sdcard, basically all of your save data for apps and games are most likely going to reside in this category, aren't normally accessible. Which is why you need to use one of the methods I mentioned above to get to them.

Wait a second... so rooting is required to access the app data, and the app data can't be copied to an SD card, and rooting wipes the phone... so does that mean there is absolutely no way to get my app data off my Droid X, even if I root???

If the rooting method of the DX requires you to wipe the device, this is a possibility. I have zero knowledge about how to root the DX, if there is a method similar to that of the Bionic, then no wipe is necessary. Perhaps someone that is more familiar with the DX can chime in. Perhaps z4root still works for it? Which that is about as simple as you can get, and doesn't require a wipe I don't think.

Side note, in my previous post I mentioned the adb backup method. Ignore that. I wasn't really thinking this through. That probably won't work with a Gingerbread device, as I don't think it existed prior to ICS.
Wait a second... so rooting is required to access the app data, and the app data can't be copied to an SD card, and rooting wipes the phone... so does that mean there is absolutely no way to get my app data off my Droid X, even if I root???

If the rooting method of the DX requires you to wipe the device, this is a possibility. I have zero knowledge about how to root the DX, if there is a method similar to that of the Bionic, then no wipe is necessary. Perhaps someone that is more familiar with the DX can chime in. Perhaps z4root still works for it? Which that is about as simple as you can get, and doesn't require a wipe I don't think..

rooting the x varies depending on the system version... but now it doesn't require any wipes... if your on froyo... z4 will root... if your system version is 596/602/605... there's several one click tools... zergrush.. among others... if your on 621... now we're able to use rsdlite and flash a specific sbf(not a full sbf.. this works for the d2/d2g as well) none of which require a wipe
Oh well, I just gave up on it - most of the games that I couldn't transfer, I don't play all that much anyway!