Transparency...what's next you ask ?

DF Smod

Silver Member
Apr 23, 2010
Reaction score
We all know jatx2wne and the impact he has had on the transparency movement within Team Inversion Conversion

So what's next you ask, we've seen everything from the pulldown notification panel to the contacts.apk get a transparent makeover, and more recently Team Inversion Conversion has taken on an entire slew of applications which can all be seen here > transparent applications < and made them transparent

Well last night jatx2wne contacted me with his newest findings – with some tweaks to the framework-res.apk he was able to direct every application that draws from the frameworks background to that of transparency, including the settings.apk, music.apk, root explorer.apk, tapatalk.apk, and so much more, so almost every application pulls from your wallpaper, I took some video of it with my live wallpaper running in the background...keep in mind it works just as good with a still photo wallpaper

Here it is in action - on Gingerbread of course :D

[video=youtube;aoRDNopPTKY]]YouTube - transparency.mp4[/video]

...and remember with everything new there are always some tweaks to be worked out – but lets keep our fingers crossed that this comes into full play

– and let’s keep an eye on jatx2wne
great work with the video tp and thanks for posting it. on another note the new facebook should be done tonight and this time im pretty sure i found the scrolling fix ill know shortly
No problem - thanks for all the hard work and dedication :tongue:

The new facebook looks good BTW - not only is the scrolling issue gone but the white box below the contact pic in notifications is gone too :)
not even sure what white box that is but im glad its fixed lol :) and the hard work is fun for the most part minus bugs that drive me crazy:icon_evil:
This looks sweet! Way easier than doing individual apps. Can't wait to get something like this.
This looks sweet! Way easier than doing individual apps. Can't wait to get something like this.

Im not 100 percent sure that this is way easier than individual apps :) but if it does get to a complete state and bug free it will be far easier to have it on any rom.
dont know how i just now found this....this is AMAZING! when and where can i get it!
dont know how i just now found this....this is AMAZING! when and where can i get it!

The bugs that are created through this mod are too big for it to be released and unfortunately I havent been able to fix any of them....yet hopefully