Typing lag


Gold Member
Feb 3, 2010
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I've noticed over the past few weeks a big lag when I'm typing text. It's kind of intermittent. If I start typing a text and there is lag, if I close it and them come back to the draft of the text, reopen it and start typing again, there is no lag at all. Anyone else notice this and does anyone have any suggestions? It's become a real pain.
Are you using the stock Google Keyboard, or an alternative one from the Play Store? If the stock one, is the app up to date? There was an update a week or so ago? The only time I have noticed lag is when using Hangouts, so I assumed that was an app specific lag. Haven't noticed it anywhere else...Yet.

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I have tried it with different keyboards and get the same thing with all of them....Google keyboard, TouchPal, AI type keyboard. Tried clearing cache on the apps, updating the apps, clearing partition cache, even did the dreaded FDR all with no help. I've tried it with various messaging apps as well.
Most of these newer keyboards seem to have a constant data connection. How is your signal strength?

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Excellent. I happens when I'm on 4G or wifi, no difference.
Have you tried clearing your data on your stock keyboard? Might sound strange since it happens on more than stock but...

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I've tried clearing data and cache on everything including my brain...not much to clear there. I wonder if it's a bad combo of keyboards and message apps. I've alternated between Message+ and Textra for messaging apps and stock google keyboard, TouchPal keyboard, and AI keyboard. There are so many combinations, I'm not sure if I tried them all. I just now went back to stock everything and uninstalled all of the other ones to see if there was some conflict. I'll see how it goes. Thanks.
Do you have vibration enabled when pressing a key? How about any form filling app like 1password? Any word predictions enabled? I would try fdr without installing any apps to rule out phone hardware.
No vibration enabled, word prediction is enabled, no form filling apps. It's so sporadic is what makes it hard to nail down. I can text 20 times and it's perfect and then the next time it lags big time. Thanks for all of the advice.
No vibration enabled, word prediction is enabled, no form filling apps. It's so sporadic is what makes it hard to nail down. I can text 20 times and it's perfect and then the next time it lags big time. Thanks for all of the advice.
Do you have Swype keyboard installed? Using it or not. If so try uninstall it and run without it for a few days.
Also have you tried running your phone in safe mode to see if it's an aftermarket app or not?

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Beast Mode 4

I don't have Swype installed. I had a couple of other keyboards installed and I recently uninstalled them all except for the stock google keyboard to see if there was some conflict with them. So far it seems to be OK, but time will tell.