UD 1.0 Cold Fusion Help


Jan 17, 2010
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trying not to clutter the stickied theme page so starting this page up. heres my orig post.
hey ur theme looks amazing but for some reason i cant get it to load. using the new UD 1.0 rom and after i got everything loaded and back to normal i tried flashing your theme. keeps getting stuck on the ultimate droid boot logo and it vibrates like it normally would then the home screen popes up but all it does is like a loop of vibrates and have to battery pull. wiped everything and did a clean install to to see if i did anything worng. nuthings working. also before that i flashed slayhers 1ghz kernal. idk if that makes a difference. but its crazy fast non themed UD1.0.
My original post from another thread:
I too am having problems.
I am running the UD I download the cold fusion and I can not get it to install. I installed the adw and installed it. Installation successful. Downloaded the theme and tried to install but stuck with boot loop.
What am I missing. Settings shows ADW installed, I clear the cache etc in launcher pro, tried uninstalling launcher but all still reverts to boot loop.

I used this theme before with CR6 and loved it. Was syked to see on UD but cant get it running..... HELP "

My issue might be more on how to change the launcher. I dont think I ever changed from one to another. The last ROM (CM6) was already ADW.
tried i think everything and it will not load past the ultimate droid screen. tried flashing right after a fresh install of ud1.0 only signed in to and synced evrything up. no kernal flash. idk hopefully kook takes another look and see if the orig file he uploaded is the correct one. only thing i can think of. i have done everything i can on my part to get it to work
Was a flawless install and running theme on CM6.
Would really like to see this work on UD1.0
i think its the wrong file. iv been lookin everywhere and no one has posted screens or saying they have it running. im tryin to get ahold of kook to see about some help
Yup, mine is doing the same. Renamed to update.zip to install over a fresh copy of UD 1.0.0 - something isn't working right apparently.
interesting, i get the same thing with the luna theme, i know it doesnt contan to the topic here but its still interesting
I temporarily removed the link to the UD 1.0.0 theme and PM'd Kookahoo about the boot loop issue on install.
Sorry for getting back so late....

I spent most of my morning in the ER with my son. He had a croop attack. It's causes a nasty cough and restricts airways. He has asthma, which runs in my family. Although I've outgrown it, he has major attacks about 3 times per year.

Anyway...I think I may know what happened and am working on a fix. I have a UD version with CF running on my phone that may not be exactly the same as yours. I'll have the fix in a few minutes.

Thanks for you patience and not wanting to kill me.
Fixed link is back up in the OP. I was able to re-create the bootloop and fix it. Sorry for the inconvenience. All should be good now.

Thanks for choosing Cold Fusion!
kook......forget us, I hope ur son is ok.

Thanks bud....my son is doing well and playing again. It doesn't last long, but it's scary when it happens.

Thank you VERY much for your concern.