UD on Thunder Bolt.......


Premium Member
Premium Member
Aug 2, 2010
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Just curious who is getting a thunder bolt and thoughts on UD on it.

Been talking to BD bc im getting a T-bolt and gonna try to be the maintainer on it also possibly. Depending on how my Java skills fair.
I for one was thinking about looking into getting a thunderbolt and was curious if bd would develop roms for it. I love bd's roms and would definately love to see them on the thunderbolt.

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Def getting one and not sure.. I love UD and have been happily using it for a while, but off the gate will be enjoying some HTC Sense. Been on the D1 since launch and going to give the stock feel a good run with maybe a little OC when it comes down the road.. Eventually though UD on TB would be great, and with as much as I flash my phone the stock feel might go out the window the first month...
Well and also, i have been talking to BD, i would like to offer a few options on T-bolt for a rom:

1. UD 3.1.0 - stock ud
2. UD 3.1.0 - w/sense 2.0
3. aosp - vanilla android no sense

not sure how difficult #2 will be but i would like to make it happen. And im gonna keep my D1 so i may look into if t-bolt isnt to bad on me becoming the maintainer on D1 also. Since im on df with everything would make the most sense ;)

and it says 3.1.0 bc that is the next ud release, no ETA!! lol. but i know 3.0.1 will not be the build for T-bolt though, probably not 3.1.0 either but a the one after that, idk. just saying lol.
I would definitely be interested in UD for the thunderbolt. I have an upgrade I can use but have been reluctant to leave my D1. I do agree that i would have to run stock for a while but after customizing for so long I know I would not be able to stay away from rooting any phone that I can.
If I can manage to find one the day of release...I may just grab it. Depending of course on 4g pricing since I wont have access until the end of the year.
I have preordered my TB and have been a long time bd user and supporter. I have donated a few times.. That being said I am looking forward to the Sense 2.0 and then rooting .. I really like the idea of #2 here. Would be willing to continue donating for future development.

Well and also, i have been talking to BD, i would like to offer a few options on T-bolt for a rom:

1. UD 3.1.0 - stock ud
2. UD 3.1.0 - w/sense 2.0
3. aosp - vanilla android no sense

not sure how difficult #2 will be but i would like to make it happen. And im gonna keep my D1 so i may look into if t-bolt isnt to bad on me becoming the maintainer on D1 also. Since im on df with everything would make the most sense ;)

and it says 3.1.0 bc that is the next ud release, no ETA!! lol. but i know 3.0.1 will not be the build for T-bolt though, probably not 3.1.0 either but a the one after that, idk. just saying lol.
I was looking at both the thunderbolt and the bionic, and im wanting the bionic more. it seems to have more power and seems like a better phone. the only realy pros that the thunderbolt had that i saw was the kickstand lol. and Ive always liked droid phones over htc
I was looking at both the thunderbolt and the bionic, and im wanting the bionic more. it seems to have more power and seems like a better phone. the only realy pros that the thunderbolt had that i saw was the kickstand lol. and Ive always liked droid phones over htc

to each their own. bionic = locked bootloader. and i want to fully customize my phone. also every video i saw the bionic is laggy! saw one with tbolt and apps on it and widgets on homescreens and it was fast. bionic had a few icons and was laggy already lol. dual and moto = fail. anything and moto = fail bc of locked bootloaders and there ****ty developers honestly.
D2 and DX=Locked bootloader too...didn't stop you and BD..

I was looking at both the thunderbolt and the bionic, and im wanting the bionic more. it seems to have more power and seems like a better phone. the only realy pros that the thunderbolt had that i saw was the kickstand lol. and Ive always liked droid phones over htc

to each their own. bionic = locked bootloader. and i want to fully customize my phone. also every video i saw the bionic is laggy! saw one with tbolt and apps on it and widgets on homescreens and it was fast. bionic had a few icons and was laggy already lol. dual and moto = fail. anything and moto = fail bc of locked bootloaders and there ****ty developers honestly.

DroidForums Junkie!!
D2 and DX=Locked bootloader too...didn't stop you and BD..

I was looking at both the thunderbolt and the bionic, and im wanting the bionic more. it seems to have more power and seems like a better phone. the only realy pros that the thunderbolt had that i saw was the kickstand lol. and Ive always liked droid phones over htc

to each their own. bionic = locked bootloader. and i want to fully customize my phone. also every video i saw the bionic is laggy! saw one with tbolt and apps on it and widgets on homescreens and it was fast. bionic had a few icons and was laggy already lol. dual and moto = fail. anything and moto = fail bc of locked bootloaders and there ****ty developers honestly.

DroidForums Junkie!!

lol, true! but still, no final for either of those yet. and to be honest we have not decide if we are gonna work on any more moto products again. tired of the crazy crap to dev on them. those 2 phones are as much work as the other 9 we work on including the 2 tablets!
I'm first on the pre-order list at my Best Buy so I am definitely getting one on launch day (or at least Best Buy's launch day). I would love to see UD on the Thunderbolt. I'm sure I will be over stock after the first night.
I'm definitely interested in UD on Tbolt. I've had my D1 since the early days and UD has come through for me since I first rooted. I'm getting a Tbolt, not right away but pretty soon after release. It would be great to run UD on that too!