Unfortunately, Touchwiz home has stopped...


Jul 2, 2011
Reaction score
apologies if this has already been posted, i didn't see it.

I'm sure there has been plenty of discussion about the most recent software upgrade, but ever since I can't hard press the home screen. I can't add or remove any apps to the screens without Touchwiz crashing.

This is extremely annoying b/c i had to download a new text app as the stock message app was no longer showing text previews on the lock screen. it would just say "new message" where as it used to actually show me who from and the first few lines of the text so i didn't have to open it. So now i can't remove the old message app from my home screen b/c touchwiz crashes.

There were various other problems after the upgrade, but i was able to troubleshoot those. I don't know what to do about this one, and i have no intention of installing a new launcher, especially when the most recent upgrade actually bloated my interal memory it seems. Not sure i even want to allocate that much space to a new launcher.

anyone else have this problem? appreciate it
Have you cleared the data from Touchwiz Home?

You can find it under Settings, Application Manager, scroll over to All, then scroll down to Touchwiz Home and select it.

If this was a major software revision upgrade you really should backup your phone using Samsung Kies and then do a Factory Data Reset. Afterwards, restore from your backup in Kies on the PC.
I was really hoping i wouldn't have to restore. that scares the crap out of me. i just cleared the data on touchwiz... this is gonna remove all the apps off my screens isn't it?

Awesome. reset that to factory settings and the problem remains so i can't even fix it. please tell me there are other options outside of restoration.
my pc is ancient, don't use it much. i mean, im still running vista. i have android 5.03 so i should download the new kies 3 but im not even sure my pc can run it.

this is turning into a disaster
I think I'm gonna try and download a new laucher and see if that changes anything. Really don't want to mess with backing stuff up, I've always lost stuff in the past and it's just that one stupid problem.

I'll get back to you. thanks for help thusfar

EDIT - I reinstalled Go and I'm just gonna roll with that. I'd rather put lipstick on a pig than restore b/c of a bug in a stock launcher
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I'm more of the "restore it" instead of "trouble shoot it" kind of person so I just wipe the phone whenever things go bonkers. Sorry I couldn't be of much help!
you were a help, im just a wuss who is afraid to wipe the phone
Smart switch will create a complete backup for you, then you can repair the device using smart switch. You will lose root if you have done so. But if you don't repair, your device will never run the best it can. This was caused by a bad update, or rooting, removing bloatware. I'd you need step by step help, I am willing to! :)

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