
I just went and checked and there was a 14.5mb update waiting for me. I downloaded it and it installed. But it was just another 4.1.1 update I guess to fix some bugs. So it was not for 4.2 nor Sense 5. I am surprised there is any kind of maintenance update available if they are starting to push out a big 4.2 update.
So I just noticed that the OP has a Rezound in his sig. Was this thread posted in the wrong forum?
You are correct. I went back and checked again and sure enough there is a 545mb download waiting for me this time. I am downloading as I type. Not sure why there was a smaller update there beforehand.
I don't know if it was due to the initial 14mb 4.1 maintenance update or if it was due to the 4.2 update after that, but I am now getting even better battery life. This is subjective but it sure seems to be better. Anyway, I am glad to have it. And I sure do like 4.2 a lot. I don't use Blinkfeed but the other improvements are nice.