Upgrade from Android 6.0 to 7.0. Now clicks and pops with USB Audio


New Member
Oct 31, 2017
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Current Phone Model
Moto X Pure
So I am on a Moto X Pure. It came with 5.1.1 and I upgraded to 6.0 with zero issues.

This Friday I did the OTA update to Android 7.0.

Its working great besides 1 issue. I have a car stereo that supports USB Audio from Android. I use a USB cable and plug right into the stereo as it allows higher sound quality than Bluetooth.

Now when I use my car stereo I hear clicks and pops in the music. I never heard this before on Android 6.0. If I switch to Bluetooth is goes right away so the problem is the USB Audio. I tried changing the buffer and thread priority on my music app(PowerAMP) which I have never had to mess with before and it made no difference.

Did Android 7.0 change how USB Audio works? I see nothing even under developer options. Is there a way I can tweak the settings?

have you tried a different cable? I know it may not make sense since the problem started after an update but stranger things have happened.