urgent plz grey box on bottom of my note 3 screen


New Member
Oct 19, 2015
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Current Phone Model
samsung galaxy e7
My Samsung galaxy note 3 suddenly a grey box appeared in lower third of screen , it's a fade box I mean that the icons behind it can be seen but with a grey like slide on it and the touch in this area is working fine , also there is a neon green vertical line on the left margin of the whole screen and both the line and the box don't appear if I take screenshot
Any help please urgent !!!
Welcome to the forum!
Have you recently changed anything in system settings, developer options?

S5 tap'n
No I didn't do any thing this happened suddenly with my note 3
What can I do to solve this problem?
Without a screen shot, it's hard to give you advice. Can you take a photo with another device? A reboot did nothing?

S5 tap'n
i didn't try to reboot i just restarted it many times but nothing happens
First things first, plug the device in and charge it. Then, go into system settings, developer options, take a screenshot of the features you have checked off on that screen. You'll have to scroll down a couple times in order to screenshot everything. If you don't have a "developer options" within your system settings, then we'll have to go another route.
Have you downloaded or updated any new apps lately?

S5 tap'n
Take the screen shots of settings and upload it her?
Correct. Or simply list which features you have enabled within developer options, if that's easier.

S5 tap'n
Okai , I can't find the developer options what to do ?
Ok, they means you haven't enabled it and we're looking in the wrong place. Have you dropped your device lately or downloaded any new apps?
Try powering down your device ave remove the battery for a few minutes. Put it back in and power it up and let us know if its still there.

S5 tap'n
No i didn't drop it , what I remembered is easy touch app

I tried that but nothing changed
What to do now the whole screen turned black but the touch is responding , aslo when I charge the mob the battery sign that appears In the center of screen appears with normal colors but when I start the phone up samsung logo doesn't appear and the screen is black
Can you explain please ? I changed the screen a year ago , but how does this problem need a change in screen again and the screen works while charging the phone when it's off ?