v6 Supercharger....


Jan 25, 2010
Reaction score
My phone has gotten a bit sluggish so I decided to finally give this approach a try but I'm not sure I'm set up right. Everything seems improved. My question is will it stick?

The info mentions a folder for auto-booting a file on boot in /system/etc/init.d

It mentions that many custom roms load those and thus I'm done. However, on reboot I'm not seeing anything that looks like a script running.

Can someone provide a hand on this?
After you set the values you want and you reboot, run the script again and it will tell you if the values stuck. It'll say something like "Prior minfree values; Current minfree values." It's mostly stock roms that won't keep the new minfree values, so if you have a custom rom, you should should be fine. The script gets loaded at boot from scriptmanager, I think. The thread over at XDA is pretty resourceful, if you need more help take a look over there.

Edit: I just realized this was on the Droid Concepts board. If this is what you're running, you'll be fine. Just run the script to double-check.
Thanks. When I reboot I don't see any sort of script running visually so I have no idea. I would think it would show up but now I have something to look for. Thanks. No one has replied at all to my questions on XDA.
Lol, I didn't mean to post on XDA, I meant to look around for anything useful. Like the final step in installing the script:
7. Optional: For a quick status check, you can put a Script Manager widget for V6 SuperCharger on you desktop.

Also, new beta version of V6 out today. It seems pretty slick, lots more options and settings.
The way to see if its running is to run the process again, set your scroll speed then chose same setting and when it starts it will say launcher hard to kill or bullet proof which means its running then just chose 17 and when it says close at the top, do so

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Thanks guys. As a noob to scripting the new version would just be French to me for now. <grin> Glad I found it. It looks to be running fine based on the above post. Now to see how it holds after a reboot......