[THEME] Vanilla Theme DC13

The 90% battery png is the same from standard DC just fyi :). I don't know which exact ones are off but I know they aren't all messed up...some are fine. Ill keep you updated as my battery drops more.

Edit: 80% png is fine, no issues :).
70% battery png is flawed just like the 90% png.
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Ya it will be every other png I'll fix it soon as I'm home. Sorry bout that.

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Charging up to flash now :biggrin:. Got caught up in watching my Wolfpack blow a 12 point lead against Stanford to lose the game. This will ease the pain a little bit :).
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I don't know if this is even worth mentioning, but the 15% png is flawed and is the normal DC icon. I'm definitely not complaining I just thought I would throw it out there in case you wanted to fix the ONLY flaw in the theme. :)
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battery pngs fxed ... enjoy

Thanks so much for the great work!! I got tired of the GB bugs, and have gone back to this very reliable rom. Thanks for everyone great work on this rom. It is flawless.
BTW, has anyone used the [Script] V6 SuperCharger on this rom, or is it really needed?

thanks again!
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