Verizon Motorola Droid 3 "Subsidy Locked"


New Member
Oct 16, 2014
Reaction score
Planet Earth
Current Phone Model
Motorola FlipSide MB508
Hello. I ordered from a used Droid 3, which used to be on the Verizon network. I am in Peru, and was planning on using the phone with a SIM card on the Movistar network. Powering on the phone with the SIM installed resulted in the phone asking me for "SIM network unlock PIN" I thought it was the SIM PIN, so i tried that a couple times, no no avail. Then, I found online that the default PIN is "000000" or "123456" so I tried those, at which point my phone came up with the message "Phone is subsidy locked" (or something to that effect)

I called Verizon in the US, and the tech support guy said the phone shouldn't be locked, and that the EMEI isn't on any lost/stolen lists. Am I now stuck with a $50 paperweight? Can I unlock it or root it or reflash it in this condition? Right now, I have the SIM out and I can use it on WiFi and download apps and stuff, but it is basically useless as a phone at this point.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you.
You need to call the company the SIM card is from..And explain to them the situation! A Factory reset may assist as well before calling them

Tap'n on my Galaxy S4!
Worth a try, I suppose.