Verizon NOT Honoring Unlimited Data Plan for Online Orders Not Activated Before 7/7

Frankly I wouldn't have had any idea VZW was changing their data plans if it wasn't for this forum. I watch local news in the AM and FOX in the evening.
I haven't seen any tv adds either so don't assume that the average joe that is a casual internet user would have known about the change.
There are many folks that use the internet but only for limited thingssuch as shopping or watchingmovies or replays of tv shows. I for one don't even look at all the crappy ads I see on the inet cause they are usually for junk.
I don't know about the fine print but if the retailer sold the phones with the unlimited data plan or didn't provide all the relevant info about the changes then the OP might have a case.....


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I'm kinda confused OP, you bought the phone before the deadline, yes, but you say that YOU activated it on 7/7, which is beyond the deadline. I'm not familiar with Wirefly, do they sell phones with the plans or just the phones? The fact that unlimited data was not on your account by 7/7 is the key argument I guess...

I assume that you couldn't get the plan until the phone was activate on your account, which is the issue a lot of people had leading up to this event: people were not able to add unlimited data to their current phone that couldn't use it.

****ty situation though, I agree, I picked up an old Droid locally from Craigslist. I completely ignored any online shops/ebay from about 10 days before 7/7, no way I was gonna take chances with shipping...
That's why I stay away from 3rd party vendors. Smoke and mirrors. Your beef is totally with Wirefly.

If your grandfathered in, you better sit tight cause VZW is in no way going to stop you from canceling with them. They'll say "Peace! See ya again soon"
I'm kinda confused OP, you bought the phone before the deadline, yes, but you say that YOU activated it on 7/7, which is beyond the deadline. I'm not familiar with Wirefly, do they sell phones with the plans or just the phones? The fact that unlimited data was not on your account by 7/7 is the key argument I guess...

I assume that you couldn't get the plan until the phone was activate on your account, which is the issue a lot of people had leading up to this event: people were not able to add unlimited data to their current phone that couldn't use it.

****ty situation though, I agree, I picked up an old Droid locally from Craigslist. I completely ignored any online shops/ebay from about 10 days before 7/7, no way I was gonna take chances with shipping...

There really is no confusion an what happened here. On wirefly he purchased the phone and selected his plan. He got the phone but not the plan he selected. Simple. What he did not know is that WF had him select a plan that was no longer in existence by the time the phone was activated. We should stop picking apart the OP and provide a viable solution. I think he found what he was looking for.
I would complain to both Verizon and Wirefly. When I ordered my two phones last year from Newegg I was sent my contract terms the second I completed the deal. My money was taken and I got email from Verizon welcoming me as a customer. Got the phones a few days later. If they took your money then that is a contract and they can't change the terms of it. So you can break contract and keep the phones with out penalty as they have broken there agreement.

Thanks for the advice guys. I just called VZW again according to the other thread that was linked (thanks again) and it worked. VZW took care of it.
Frankly I wouldn't have had any idea VZW was changing their data plans if it wasn't for this forum. I watch local news in the AM and FOX in the evening.
I haven't seen any tv adds either so don't assume that the average joe that is a casual internet user would have known about the change.
There are many folks that use the internet but only for limited thingssuch as shopping or watchingmovies or replays of tv shows. I for one don't even look at all the crappy ads I see on the inet cause they are usually for junk.
I don't know about the fine print but if the retailer sold the phones with the unlimited data plan or didn't provide all the relevant info about the changes then the OP might have a case.....


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Thank you, that was the point I tried to tell some of them. Not everyone knows like its assumed.
Actually I was in an actual Verizon store on 7/5 and they said then that they actually weren't even supposed to talk about the tiered data change coming up until it actually was implemented...Verizon should have been halfway decent and sent out a text message to all their current customers informing them about this...simply saying that unlimited data plans would no longer be available after 11:59 7/6 unless currently subscribed to a smartphone unlimited data plan...plain and simple...right?

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Verizon should have been halfway decent and sent out a text message to all their current customers informing them about this...simply saying that unlimited data plans would no longer be available after 11:59 7/6 unless currently subscribed to a smartphone unlimited data plan...plain and simple...right?

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They could have, but they're under no obligation to do so. Does your local gas station tell you to buy gas now because it is going up 10 cents a gallon in three days? Does your supermarket tell you to buy milk now because it is going up in price tomorrow? Does a politician tell voters while on the campaign trail that the first thing he will do when voted into office is to raise taxes?

The fact of the matter is that the info was leaked for weeks that you had to have an unlimited data plan on your line BEFORE July 7th to be grandfathered. By offering to make exceptions on a case by case basis proves that Verizon isn't that hard nosed and are willing to bend over backwards to please their customers.
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Glad they took care of you! They should as Wirefly sells phones on behalf of Verizon, and therefore are on the hook for that! Wirefly represents Verizon, etc as any other 3rd party selling Verizons phones..Any alleged deceptive practices reflects on both the Vendor aka Verizon and the party selling the product...So therefore they should be obligated to honor it which they did.
Does your local gas station tell you to buy gas now because it is going up 10 cents a gallon in three days?
Actually the gas station I use does tell me/us this when I am in there. :biggrin: Part of us being a frequent loyal customers I guess..The owner makes pennies off a gallon of gas if that. He depends on you buying out of the store.
I agree AirGear that this was totally deceptive. Nevermind these Verizon apologists. They knew full well there would be a flood of people that wouldn't be able activate in time. The timing of the change certainly wasn't done in a vacuum. Looks like you got it resolved.
I would complain loudly, but it's possible the system is set-up in such a way that there's nothing a rep can do. If enough people complain, I'd expect VZW to remedy the situation because despite all the whining here I've always found them to be very good and accommodating with regard to customer service.

Also, if you were cutting it that close you should have activated a cheap phone from the store and then returned it within that 14 day window. So people have only themselves to blame, but I do believe VZW will work with these people.
Ordered a Thunderbolt and Incredible 2 from Wal-Mart Wireless/Let's Talk on the 5th and got the phones on the 7th. Noticed the next day that they had us on the 2GB plan. I called once and the lady said there was nothing she could do. Called back again and talked to a different woman. I told her I didn't see how it made much sense to pay $5 more per line for the same amount of data that I could get at ATT. Asked to if there was anyone higher up I could speak to and she said let me check something else for you. Came back 30 seconds later and told me we had unlimited like we ordered. They can change it and will, but you better get it done quick. Your 14 day period starts when you ordered the phones, not when you activated them.
It's unusually poor of VZW for this to even be an issue. They should have had the announced date and then an internal effective date several days later so this didn't happen.