VOIP with Google Voice and Sipdroid


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Dec 5, 2009
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I am going out of the country (Belize) and want to make voip calls through my Moto Droid using ONLY wifi. I plan to tell verizon to suspend my calling plan while I am gone to save the monthly bill (they will add the time I'm gone to the end of my contract). The wifi will still work (as verified in airplane mode) and I have a google voice, sipdroid and pbxes.org account. I do not understand the sipdroid app. I don't know what info to enter in the settings to authorize the account in the app and get the "green light". I have verified both sipdroid and google #'s and received calls on my phone as verification. I have also added my sipdroid # to my google voice account. I just need to get the sipdroid app working. How do I do this????

Please don't respond to this post with something like "I hear Skype does VoIp calls". This is a very specific problem and the only step by step directions I can find are for Gizmo5 which no longer accepts new accounts.


Jan 5, 2010
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Unlimited Free Calling with Google Voice - Google Docs

More info than you can shake a stick at.

Google Voice > sipgate.com (sipgateone account) > sipsorcery.com > Sipdroid.

It will take a while to get how it works. PBX's.com is not used.

Do your homework and I will help you finish setup if you need. I will not hold your hand or do it for you. There is lots of info in the link. Concentrate on the sections that I have listed. All free. Sipsorcery does require silverlight on a windows pc.


Gold Member
Feb 20, 2010
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Excellent info, by the way!

This worked for me. Probably took about 2 hours to follow and set everything up, and then a few more hours experimenting with settings to make sure everything was free and working properly.

This document is absolutely what I was looking for. I do not have a landline and frequently work from home. I don't want to burn the minutes on conference calls nor am I 100% satisified with the OTA quality for business. The free VOIP is going to solve my problems.

Only issue I have left to resolve is my wired headset doesn't work - plugged in before or during a call and neither party hears anything.


Gold Member
Feb 20, 2010
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Seems like my VOIP doesn't work on the receiving end if I'm on speaker phone or a wired headset. Don't have my bluetooth yet, but I presume it will be the same issue.

Tried it with the automatic headset answer option on and off. Any thoughts?


Dec 5, 2009
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Dallas TX
Unlimited Free Calling with Google Voice - Google Docs

More info than you can shake a stick at.

Google Voice > sipgate.com (sipgateone account) > sipsorcery.com > Sipdroid.

It will take a while to get how it works. PBX's.com is not used.

Do your homework and I will help you finish setup if you need. I will not hold your hand or do it for you. There is lots of info in the link. Concentrate on the sections that I have listed. All free. Sipsorcery does require silverlight on a windows pc.

Cellphonedork, do you have this working fully?

I went through the setup, but can't seem to get my test calls from sipgate to ring Google Voice. They are stopping at x-lite (Sip sorcery), and I never see anything on Goggle Voice.


Gold Member
Feb 20, 2010
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I went through the setup, but can't seem to get my test calls from sipgate to ring Google Voice. They are stopping at x-lite (Sip sorcery), and I never see anything on Goggle Voice.

If call with Google Voice from your phone by adding a + sign to the end of the phone number (i.e. 1-555-555-1212+) then it should work. You will, however, get charged an outgoing call on sipgate.

As a work around, you go to the google voice web, enter the regular number you wish to call, and have it ring sipgate. There are ways to dial this directly from your droid without incurring the usage charge but I haven't completely figured that out yet.

Note, one thing I think is missing from the set-up instructions is you need to set-up sipgate to ring your droid, and then you want to add the sip credentials for your droid as a new provider at sipsorcery (note: this is a different username and password than your x-lite softphone).


Dec 5, 2009
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Dallas TX
I went through the setup, but can't seem to get my test calls from sipgate to ring Google Voice. They are stopping at x-lite (Sip sorcery), and I never see anything on Goggle Voice.

If call with Google Voice from your phone by adding a + sign to the end of the phone number (i.e. 1-555-555-1212+) then it should work. You will, however, get charged an outgoing call on sipgate.

As a work around, you go to the google voice web, enter the regular number you wish to call, and have it ring sipgate. There are ways to dial this directly from your droid without incurring the usage charge but I haven't completely figured that out yet.

Note, one thing I think is missing from the set-up instructions is you need to set-up sipgate to ring your droid, and then you want to add the sip credentials for your droid as a new provider at sipsorcery (note: this is a different username and password than your x-lite softphone).

I didn't enter any information for x-lite, only entered my information for sipgate, and Google Voice. The dial scripts should handle the dial out automation, as I see the + and relevant information necessary in the script.

The problem I am having is actually getting the incoming calls to get to Google Voice.


Gold Member
Feb 20, 2010
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I didn't enter any information for x-lite, only entered my information for sipgate, and Google Voice. The dial scripts should handle the dial out automation, as I see the + and relevant information necessary in the script.

The problem I am having is actually getting the incoming calls to get to Google Voice.

On sipgate, I have 3 phones: Phone of Bob Smith, Phone of Bob Smith, and cell or landline of Bob Smith. The first is my xlite softphone on my computer, and I disabled that and my cell/landline. The second is my Droid, and it has different sip credentials than the xlite on my computer.

The initial problem I had was when I entered my information for sipgate at sipsorcery, I entered the sip credentials for the x-lite softphone that was installed on the computer when setting up sipgate. Sipsorcery needed the sip credentials for my Droid, and then sipdroid needs to connect thru the user password and id for the Droid. To add my Droid to Sipgate, I had to click on the +VoIP phone button

Incoming calls should be calling your GV number, and then GV should be set to forward to sipgate. I haven't confirmed this yet with an incoming call test yet, though. I guess maybe I don't fully understand - incoming calls don't "get" to your GV, GV incoming calls "get" to your sipgate. At least that's the process as I understand it.


Dec 9, 2009
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Fenton, MI
Argh, this thread got me back into trying to get this working, and now I'm frustrated yet again. I've been successful at getting inbound calls via GV to ring my cell via sipdroid, but for some reason, I can't place an outbound call. I get a message in a mans voice (presumably from sipgate) saying "Sorry, your account does not have sufficient funds to place this call..."

Any idea what I'm doing wrong? The phone I'm attempting to call (using sipdroid on my cell) is my home number (US not international).


Gold Member
Feb 20, 2010
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Any idea what I'm doing wrong? The phone I'm attempting to call (using sipdroid on my cell) is my home number (US not international).

The instructions posted here are very good, if not a bit confusing to follow.

I have not mastered the dialing program yet. My calls inbound and outbound are free. Outside calls to my GV number routes to sipdroid via sipgate with no charge or issues. I place my outbound calls through the GV website and have no issues. This may be your issue if you are dialing from sipdroid and don't have the dialing program properly configured because it's not being rerouted thru GV but instead is an outbound call placed from sipgate (although I got 60 free minutes, and after fooling around to get everything working properly still have 52 free minutes)
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Jan 5, 2010
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Yes.. Fully working.. most of the time. I am a total dork with this thing and change setting a lot at sipsorcery.com. So presently, I have inbound, and tweaked my outbound dial plan and something is amiss. Call rings through, BUT, I can not hear the other person. I have to play with settings. As this is a hack on a hack set up, I can not tell you your issue. Follow the link in my previous post.

You MUST HAVE a google voice account. You MUST have a Gizmo5 OR Sipgate account and for true functionality, you have to have a sipsorcery.com account. Dial plans are tricky. Best to set sipgate.com as a "home" number at Google Voice. It the gets a default of "1", Gizmo5 gets a "7" your cell has a value of "2" and work gets a value of "3". So, If I have sipgate set as work in GV, there is a chance that the server at sipsorcery (SS), will misplace my call, as it is looking to forward to a value of 1. This is because, SS is acting as the html dialer for your call, just like the webpage does. You place a call, your call is routed to SS server and the placed on hold. SS the tells GV to call the number you specified and connect the call, the call is then bridged and connected to your call that is on hold. All of this happens in 10 to 30 seconds, so it should be (kind of) transparent.

See the other thread: http://www.droidforums.net/forum/dr...66-tutorial-true-voip-google-voice-droid.html

More info available there and where we should continue this dialog.
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Dec 9, 2009
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Fenton, MI
Well Here goes. I've tried everything I can think of, and I've made ZERO progress since last night.

As it stands right now:

1) I set up sipgate and sipsorcery, Sipgate is set up and registered as a provider in sipsorcery. Sipgate settings shows sipsorcery as connected on port 5060

2) I set up Sipdroid to log into sipgate, I get a green dot in my notification bar, and sipgate shows sipdroid as connected, HOWEVER I do not see any SIP bindings on the SIP accounts page of sipsorcery.

3) I can place a call from a land line to my GV number and receive the call with Sipdroid on my cell...audio works in both directions. I can initiate a call using GV, it will ring my cell via sipdroid and will then ring the landline that I called (my home #) and I can have a conversation.

4) I've tried several different dial plans (edited as necessary) with no effect on the following problems.

5) The problem that I have is that I can't initiate a call from Sipdroid on my cell. It goes to a guy giving me the whole "...you don't have enough credit on your account..." message. If I make changes in sipgate, the message sometimes changes slightly, but it's essentially the same thing every time.

6) My sipgate inbox shows a bunch of calls with a big red "general error" box next to them for each outgoing call that I attempt using sipdroid. If I click to see details it simply says "failed outgoing call".

This is frustrating. I've followed the directions, and re-read them a least a dozen times.

edit: Oh yeah, and one last thing, I installed the sipgate softphone on my PC and get all the same results as I get with sipdroid...I dunno if that helps at all.


Gold Member
Feb 20, 2010
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I'd be interested to know what your solution is. Sounds like it's something in the dialer script.

The last piece I really have to perfect is placing the free call from GV. That might be your issue, I'm not sure why you need to use sipdroid to make the call. I think you need to set GV to either dial all calls or ask if you want the option.

I cut-and-pasted just the simple dialing plan into sipsorcery (fyi, I have 3 bindings in sipsorcery - my gizmo5 acct, my sipgate softphone, and sipgate Droid). Right now, I can place a call thru google voice but I'm not routing it properly to get it free.


New Member
Feb 22, 2010
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I was able to get this working. I think your issue is that you are registering with sipgate instead of sipsorcery on your phone. You need to connect to sipsorcery and let the dialplan connect to sipgate.