Volume rocker gone - any replacement buttons?


Dec 18, 2009
Reaction score
I was on a trip this weekend. While in a bathroom, I dropped my phone on the tile floor. I flipped it over, rejoiced that there was no crack in the screen, and went on my way. I got home early this morning and realized the volume rocker was gone. I called Verizon to see if they might have a replacement button. Turns out that the insurance that I asked for upon buying my Droid was never even applied to the account.

The manager said that he would replace the Droid if I paid the amount it would've cost to cover the insurance as well as the deductible, making the total cost around $160. Just for a volume button.

I can use tools to use the volume button still (ie, a pen), but is there a way to just get a replacement button? Or perhaps something that wedges in there well that will enable me to use the buttons?
There are far beyond repairable Droids sold on Ebay for parts, maybe you would have some luck there
samething happened to me...you can add an app called "virtual volume" and little buttons appear on your screen to adjust volume. good luck
Another 7 year old thread restored for no reason.....why? Why?

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