Water Damage


New Member
Oct 16, 2011
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If I know there is water damage, but the indicator is not yet red what can I do to save my droid ?
take the battery out and leave it in rice

There's a giant step-by-step thread on this subject, try searching it for it. Think I saw it in this section of the forum as well
You can't do anything if it's already damaged. However, if you respond quickly when it gets wet you can prevent damage if you immediately pull the battery, all cards and allow the device to fully dry. This is covered in countless threads here and on other sites.

The longer you leave the battery in the more likely you'll cause damage. Same goes for putting the battery in before your device is fully dried. Expect to wait several days for it to fully dry.
So I woke up this morning to find out that somebody had spilled something on me while I was sleeping. Of course they managed to nail my phone in the process and so it was soaked when I woke up. I have it soaking in some isopropyl alcohol right now to displace the water. Have any of you had something like this happen? Were you able to revive your phone afterwards?
Did you try to power it up? That's a no no, I have seen success stories with people letting the phone set in dry rice (hairdryers are bad too) I believe the time I saw was 48 hours. I've never had to do it but I hope I can help

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I did try an power it up as I was still a little out of it when I got up. However, I think my battery might have died at some point. I'm hoping that I'm fortunate enough for that to be the case. lol....
Remove the battery immediately. Do not try to turn it on. Do not charge it.

I have revived a Droid and a couple other devices. You will read about many methods. Here's what I do:
1) if it got wet with anything besides plain water, it is a good idea to rinse/dilute it. Careful with alcohol. It can corrode. I would only slosh the phone in the purest alcohol for a few seconds. Distilled water is my preferred solution. Just slosh the phone (minus battery of course) in a bowl of it.
2) put the phone in a sock and twirl the thing like mad. Don't let go! This will get rid of much of the water
3) use a hair dryer. You have to be careful and keep the dryer about 18 inches from the phone. Even doing this the phone will start to get hot after about 10 minutes. Keep your hand involved and turn off the dryer if you feel that the phone needs to cool. Use the dryer on the phone for 45 minutes at least, being careful not to overheat the phone. Eventually, all of the moisture will have no recourse but to evaporate. This is the scary part. Have you been patient and dried it long enough without melting the phone? When you are confident that this is done, put in the battery and connect the charger.
I'm doing the sock thing right now. It's working like a charm! I'm going to try and get ahold of a blow dryer at some point today. We'll see. I let it soak for a few in 91% isopropyl, so hopefully that displaced any water and whatever else that was in there.
Hope you can bring it back:)

On a side note...sounds like it was a great Fri night;)
Well after soaking it in rubbing alcohol, using the sock method described above to dry it out, as well as a blow dryer. I can now say that I have a working phone again. I got it to turn on, but upon booting up I noticed some more liquid behind the screen. So I turned it back off and I'm gonna let it dry. It works though! I was able to send a text or two as well as mess around with the screen for a minute to make sure the capacitive awesomeness still worked. But yeah, it was an interesting night to say the least. Walked home to a friends house. Passed out there. Woke up and had my semi walk of shame back home still in costume. hahaha
Passed out? Lol epic. You sure ''someone spilled'' something on your pants?
glad to see you got it working

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lol well I smelled it and it wasn't piss, so there are two options. 1: I got up to get water and totally failed at it, or 2: somebody thought my costume wasn't wet enough haha...It was from my shirt all the way down to my socks. XD
So I accidentally got my phone wet when it was in my back pocket. Now since it's a Droid 4 I can't take it apart to let it air dry, and it turns on and works...but it won't really charge...

I was wondering if anyone else had htis happen and if they were able to fix this? I already filed a claim, But they didn't really get back to me.
Best advice is turn it off. Put it in a bowl of rice for 24 hours and plug it in...see if it will charge.

I'd say take out the battery but...

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