Welcome to the Amazon Fire Phone Forum!


Staff member
Oct 20, 2009
Reaction score
Welcome to the latest addition of DroidForums.net dedicated to the first Android Phone from Amazon. The Amazon Fire Phone!
Cheers :big smile:
The hardware specs look decent considering the price. I haven't seen mention of battery life, or did I miss that?

If you're a big time Amazonian, you'll probably like this phone as it ties a lot of Amazon services together. If not, I think some people will check it out, most will pass. I don't see this being a big game changer (like Bezos mentioned with the Kindle)... but if definitely has the 'option' to become quite popular. We'll have to sit back and see who jumps ship.

I'm saying this is an Amazon Prime, Fire TV, 2 Fire Kindle owner... among my gazillion Android gadgets.
It looks like the Fire is on fire. Someone will hands-on review it shortly I'm sure. (Bedsides Bezos):biggrin:
The visual effects do look pretty sweet. [video=youtube;_44wTL3u9I8]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_44wTL3u9I8&feature=youtube_gdata_player[/video]
I'm thinking somewhere in all these posts/threads this was posted but I didn't see it. Worth a look.
