Welcome to the Droid Lab

Thanks for the suggestions guys. I'll do some tests and see what I see. The monster "root any OS" topic has tons of links inside it that point to specific posts within the topic so I'll do some tests to see if the redirect functionality of the forum is smart enough to bounce those to the new location as well.

Mr Chief Droid Scientist: Congrats on the cool title and section! Looks like some exciting stuff will be developed here, thanks for helping out.
Christim, I was thinking the same thing, that is by far the best user title I have seen and MotoCache your work definately reflects it
Christim, I was thinking the same thing, that is by far the best user title I have seen and MotoCache your work definately reflects it
Thanks guys. Cute anecdote about the title -- way back in my Master CNE days the company I work for was a pretty big customer of Novell. I was at a conference or something and one of their big-dog gurus was doing a presentation of some sort. At some point I got a business card from him and his title was "Chief Scientist". I pretty much fell in love with that title right then and like to use various permutations of it when it seems to "fit".
Yep if I can finish this deal DF will move in to orbit buddy dancedroid.

To quote one of sharpest minds of our time.....

"To infinity, and beyond"
Buzz Lightyear

:icon_ devil: Sorry. Couldn't resist. (LOL)
Funny story;

Know why lab researchers switched to using lawyers instead of rats? They found they were getting too attached to the rats and there are some things even a rat wouldn't do. ;)

I wonder who will get Igor as their user title?
Just so everyone knows, I'm not dead -- I just have been 100% occupied for the last week. I just got caught up on PM's. Now I'm going to bed (6:13a ET). I'll take a look at posts tomorrow and see if there are any fires that need my attention.