Well it's January 11....

Supposedly it makes the droid faster :D
Supposedly it makes the droid faster :D
Yeah i hear that. Thats good news. I take it that the update wont be here for another 2 months, is that correct?

hey guys
i am new here.
Even with the 2.1 update and the new Flash 10.1; will that slow down the DROID?

We're all in a wait and see mode on that. But we hope not. There's a video in the news section of Flash on the Droid (via Wifi). You be the judge.

Yes i did see the video. That was great to see but i take that wasnt a fully integrated FLASH SOFTWARE. I guess that wont be until the actual release date.

So is the update and flash all coming at the same time?
or are they seperate?
hey guys
i am new here.
Even with the 2.1 update and the new Flash 10.1; will that slow down the DROID?

I believe each software will be optimized for the Droid.

If you look around youtube, some people got 2.1 running on their Droid and say that everything seems to run smoother. 2.1 was optimized for the Nexus One I believe and once it is optimized for the Droid it should run as smooth as it does on the N1, maybe a tad slower due to hardware limitations.

Either way, 2.1 should be a pretty huge improvement in terms of usability and looks. Smoother, easier menus, more animation, less glitches, etc. As for release date, I don't think it'll be the end of the month update, but that'd be awesome. I actually think it's more towards a spring launch.
hey guys
i am new here.
Even with the 2.1 update and the new Flash 10.1; will that slow down the DROID?

I believe each software will be optimized for the Droid.

If you look around youtube, some people got 2.1 running on their Droid and say that everything seems to run smoother. 2.1 was optimized for the Nexus One I believe and once it is optimized for the Droid it should run as smooth as it does on the N1, maybe a tad slower due to hardware limitations.

Either way, 2.1 should be a pretty huge improvement in terms of usability and looks. Smoother, easier menus, more animation, less glitches, etc. As for release date, I don't think it'll be the end of the month update, but that'd be awesome. I actually think it's more towards a spring launch.

Niiice. Thas whats up. Well..meanwhile i will be searching these forums to see what else i can do to optimize my DROID now.
Thank ya kindly, Dezymond.
I already have quite a few apps already so i am looking to get some more.
Preciate it.
Google just made available the source code for the 2.1 OS a few days ago...whether or not Motorola had access to it or not previously I am unaware..but it won't be much longer.
hey guys
i am new here.
Even with the 2.1 update and the new Flash 10.1; will that slow down the DROID?

I believe each software will be optimized for the Droid.

If you look around youtube, some people got 2.1 running on their Droid and say that everything seems to run smoother. 2.1 was optimized for the Nexus One I believe and once it is optimized for the Droid it should run as smooth as it does on the N1, maybe a tad slower due to hardware limitations.

Either way, 2.1 should be a pretty huge improvement in terms of usability and looks. Smoother, easier menus, more animation, less glitches, etc. As for release date, I don't think it'll be the end of the month update, but that'd be awesome. I actually think it's more towards a spring launch.

Niiice. Thas whats up. Well..meanwhile i will be searching these forums to see what else i can do to optimize my DROID now.
Thank ya kindly, Dezymond.
I already have quite a few apps already so i am looking to get some more.
Preciate it.

No problem at all. As far as I know that's what I think is going to happen. I believe Android 2.1 went "open source" sometime either this week or last week, but that means developers get their hands on it.

There should be an update by the 22nd, in fact it may even start rolling out this week like they did for 2.0.1. I can't wait for 2.1 either, but there is really nothing wrong with 2.0.1 that I can find. Browser was smoother in 2.0, but it's not as bad as people make it out to be, imo. Then again I came from a WinMo phone before this so this thing runs damn fast to me.
Google just made available the source code for the 2.1 OS a few days ago...whether or not Motorola had access to it or not previously I am unaware..but it won't be much longer.

Visiting the android.com developer site shows only 2.0.1 SDK. As far as I know 2.1 source has not been open and released by google yet or if it has, it's been strictly to phone manufacturers and perhaps carriers.

I have a feeling we have a little bit of a wait on our hands for a real optimized 2.1 for our droids and flash, well we'll get flash someday when they finish it.... but it won't be with 2.1 most likely.

I'm not a big fan of how google is hoarding the 2.1 source so that it can showboat around it's new phone. I think everyone should have had access to the code as it was developed.... let htc or whoever work on there ui, but they could have at least let motorola get it so they could optomize for the hardware/gpu..etc.

blah. must be patient..:mad:
/me smacks echo in the head again :icon_ devil: lol