What to Post Here !!

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Silver Member
Oct 29, 2009
Reaction score
SE Florida
Current Phone Model
Droid Turbo 64G
Hello Everyone !!!

We all love to read about the Android World and about the devices we cherish. News About our service providers. News about Google. Ect Ect :p

So when one of us runs across an article you think the other members might like to read too. Edit it, Post it here. Be creative, make it look good. Maybe, just maybe, your post will make the front page of DroidForums.

Don't worry if someone else has posted it, if you can make it look better, give it a shot. Everything can be improved on can't it? And Please don't get upset if someone makes your post better. Consider it a compliment that you found something someone else thought was worthy enough to re-edit.

When posting, Please give the source of your information. Give credit to the original author as well.
Droid Forums - Where Open Source meets Open Source :wink:
Requirements for Good News Articles for the forum.

We try to make sure there are at least 4 or 5 complete sentences in the news post.

Take special care to spell properly in the post and keep the words professional.

Take extra extra special care to not use large images.
The largest image should be 350 pixels wide and no more then 500 pixels tall.

We also like to start the post with the image and it should be centered.

Come on, don't be shy, give it a try !!! You just might be good at it !!!
Open a new Thread in this section and Post your News Finds !
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