Which case? (Opinions)


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Dec 22, 2010
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I went out and got a droid 2 right when they came out...so of course no decent cases were available. So I got the cheap 25$ case from verizon temporarily...and the back was good, but the front only took so long before one tab snapped, allowing it to rub, scratching the entire Bezzle (which im not happy about at all.)
And now its time for a new case since im not comfortable at all using my 600 phone without some protection. I was looking at the otter case, and I like that it comes with a screen protector, but I already have one on and 2 more, but the reviews were pretty poor on the front side...but I like the port covers. Next best option is the seidio brand (imho), but I can't decide on the surface or active. Bulkiness isn't a huge deal but shock protection is, for the reason that I'm a mechanic, motocross rider, I do alot of 4x4'ing, and im just a generaly active person, yet always have my phone on me.
Which one do you guys think would be best? Opinions? And any other recomendations are good too....
I really like the protection level of the otter and the port covers, but a flimsy tab-snapping front cover isn't a option.
Thanks all.
EDIT: also, on my old cheap case, the front tabs would rub on the edges on the keyboard, and made it hard to slide, along with leaving rub marks...I don't want that again. Unfortunately, I'm getting used to the easy typing and sliding without a case...better get one soon! :icon_eek:

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I got the Seidio Innocase Surface and I don't recommend it. Less than a month after purchasing it the front of the case went bad and constantly would fall off with the littlest of a touch.

I'd avoid Seidio.
What about the active? Seems more rubbery and thicker. Have you tried any others?

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I've only used the Seidio and one from VZW. I didn't like the VZW very much. I liked the Seidio a lot, but like I said the pieces begin to wear very quickly and you'll find yourself looking for a new case pretty soon.
Okay. Yeah my vzw case was junk. And I don't want to spend 30$ just to have the same thing happen. Any other recomendations?

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Tbh I don't have any suggestions haha. I've been rolling without a case for about a month (ever since my Seidio broke). I'll probably stick without a case until something better comes out (if ever).
FWIW, I have an Innocase and it's fine. It's held up for 2 months of use and looks brand new, and I work in construction. I'm so happy with it that I'm going to buy the Innocase Active, because I want the thicker case for shock protection, just like you. Also, the more of my phone that's covered, the better, because I often have paint/concrete/acetone/whathaveyou on my hands.
Thanks for the link. $12 cheaper, I might just splurge!

Edit: Nevermind that's for the original Droid.

Edit 2: Here's $10 cheaper, for the Droid 2:

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Thanks all,
-niceguysfinishlast, good to hear someone who works with concrete and construction, being a mechanic that's exactly what I need, except I'm definately going with the active. the thicker the better, I can deal with the bulk because I'm don't need a 600$ paperweight. But as long as the tabs held up on yours I don't see an issue with the innocase.
I do like the port covers on the otterbox though. But one of the sides is flimsy and once it snaps off once it'll keep doing it.

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I think so...anyone else?
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Krusell makes the best cases.

I have been using Krusell horizontal cases for years. They are the greatest IMO. I use the XS case for my D2.