Which root level file manager to buy? Poll, participate please!


Active Member
Jan 1, 2012
Reaction score
Dallas, Lone Star Republic, North America, Terra
The time has come that I need a root explorer. Root Explorer and Astro are both 3.99, File Expert, which I like the free version is only 2.99 for the pro key, but after I purchased the plug in, installed it, and selected show hidden and root explorer in the settings and it requested SU and I granted it, all of my root level directories still had nothing inside. If anybody has any input on that, getting File Expert w/ Pro plug in to work on my phone I'm down for any suggestions. I just want it for simple stuff like changing the boot animation, other minor look and feel stuff until somebody cracks this bootlaoder and we can start flashing full roms, overclocking, etc, getting to the same level of tweaked as my retired (but still played with a lot via wifi) D1, but I've got itchy fingers and want to get to it, so I'm only gonna let this poll run a couple, maybe three days. Jump right in, the water's fine!
Root explorer works great for me, never heard of those other two.

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I've used File Expert for the past six months at least, and I've never had any problems with navigating or modifying root-level files and directories. I had a couple of questions and suggestions for them when I first started using the app, and the devs were quick to answer my questions and provide support. That's much of the reason why I purchased the pro version.
Root Explorer. Although I have Astrology as well.

Sorry I can't vote right now. Polls are not visible on Tapatalk.

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Older version of File Expert. Before they removed the root feature.
I vote Root Explorer.

If you're cheap, yes, File Expert. Unless tjk is actually right and they removed the root function, it's good on that front as a free root explorer. You'd do better off just using terminal emulator and using the standard way of navigating a Linux file system.
I'm not a big fan of paying for stuff, so I use ES file explorer
i'm a huge fan of paying for stuff... Root Explorer has always been my goto app for file managing... 4 bucks is well worth it for such a solid app
Root Browser by JRummy16 available for free on this site! ;)

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