Who Is Buying The Amazon Fire Phone?


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Premium Member
Jan 30, 2012
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iPhone 7 Plus JB
Amazon will launch their new 3D Smartphone today. Who is lining up to get one?
Not I!! Does is run the forked and extremely limited OS that the Kindle products do?
From what I understand, it's a customized version of KK. We will find out today.
Not me. :D
I wouldn't... Never ever..
No interest here. I posted this elsewhere, but just for fun... They should sell the phone for $249. and get a $100. gift card with every phone purchased.
I was so excited for this device, until I found out it runs amazon's market and the 4 camera gimmick, not to mention having a button (firefly) that continuously humps your leg to purhcase everything around you off of Amazon's Bloated marketplace...I once sold a horror bear for $200, a bear I bought off of ebay for $20 just because it was the only bear available through Amazon and the buyer thought it would be coming from Amazon not me and my garage....point is Amazon is generally overpriced.
I was pretty pumped when I originally saw it. Until I found that it was Amazon only, which I should have known in the first place. Not going there.
I was pretty pumped when I originally saw it. Until I found that it was Amazon only, which I should have known in the first place. Not going there.
Agreed, not going to be the posterchild for buying into the flagship device of the worse OS available...(next to BB of course) I really wanted this to be a 2009 Motorola Droid moment but alas not the same...
No Google Play or Google services available and although you get a "free" year of Prime you still have to pay for the data. I like Fire TV for $99.00 okay but this thing is going to be a dud.