Why does the LG G5 have a smaller battery?


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX
It looks like LG went backwards a bit on the battery for the G5. The G4 and G3 both had a 3,000 mAh juicer, but the G5 is now a 2,800 mAh. Do you think it will make much of a difference considering how much more efficient the new phone is supposed to be? Will the slide-out modular "Magic Slot" battery make up for the smaller battery?
Don't think it will matter. The G5 is said to be very efficient and the smaller battery means less weight.
On the G5 battery I am concerned about how well it will stay locked in over time. How well is the latching/locking mechanism? A few drops or swapping a bunch of times how long before it's loose and falls out on its own.

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It is a good point but knowing LG, the probably popped that battery out a million times when tested.
It is a good point but knowing LG, the probably popped that battery out a million times when tested.
I would think it went rigorous testing but ya never know with these things ...I'm thinking if you are a heavy user probably switch it up once a day ...

6s Plus
I would think it went rigorous testing but ya never know with these things ...I'm thinking if you are a heavy user probably switch it up once a day ...

6s Plus
It's a wait and see. 40% more efficient than the G4 means at least 1 full day.
I've not many phones that make it to full day when I'm in beast mode

6s Plus
No worries.. Some OEM will come out with a beast battery for you....
On the G5 battery I am concerned about how well it will stay locked in over time. How well is the latching/locking mechanism?

My NES still locks cartridges down and I bust it out every so often and play it on an old CRT TV. If it can do that, I think the G5 will be fine. I'd imagine they tested the mechanism and it's got something like 5,000-10,000 uses before it starts to wear. Which, even if you swap batteries twice a day for two years on it, is still only 1,400 something uses. And most people won't even be doing that; maybe once a day for the average person. Plus they added Quick Charge 3.0 so if you need juice and there's an outlet available, you'll be able to suit up in no time.
I own a note 5 and quick charge is brillant. So the smaller battery might not be that big of a deal. Although a bigger battery is sweet.

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OEMs seem to be going with smaller battery capacities to keep phones smaller overall. Optimizations have made some pretty good improvements and battery life doesn't seem to be worse than any last generation devices from what I been reading up on.

Couple these newer devices with quick charge technology, I don't think anyone is at a real loss except for power users, but even power users carry around a battery pack so does 200mah really make that big of a difference?
It is a good point but knowing LG, the probably popped that battery out a million times when tested.
This is the company that tested the snot out of the Urbane LTE only to find the fatal flaw after its release causing a subsequent recall of all unsold units and sales halt.
Ok so it's more efficient. With that in mind did it ever occur to anyone that keeping a bigger battery on a more efficient phone is a good thing ? There was this debate about the Note 5 as well and it turns out the smaller battery is offset by the efficiency to result in about the same life as the Note4. I'm just stumped as to why nobody will try better battery life by not slimming down the mah as the devices become more efficient. It's like they've all got a spot nobody is willing to improve upon even though it could readily be done.

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Beast Mode 4
I think we have seen battery size kind of level off.. Now they are implementing better software to utilize the issue at the source. I think this is a better solution as opposed to just masking the issue with larger batteries every year. Lets fix the problem at its root.