WIfi issues ever since GB


Dec 10, 2009
Reaction score
Charlotte, NC
I've been having wifi issues since installing GB.. I'm rooted.. It seems to work for a lil then stops and won't start back up unless I reboot my phone.. I have another wifi device that is working fine so I don't think it's my router.. I'm up for any suggestions as to what I can try

Just tried a factory reset and I did not fix the problem.
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I have the same issue

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Fully stock, OTA updated DroidX here and have had zero WiFi issues.
Perhaps it's inherant to the version of GB you installed (you said you're rooted).
Not sure but I might have figured out what was causing the problem. I did the factory reset but I quickly went and downloaded all my apps using the Gmail backup thing. Well notice I had problems with wifi after I got liberty toolbox downloaded. Now it wasn't a problem for the L-toolbox to be on my phone but I had both the free one and the donate.(Not sure why I had both in my phone in the first place) But after I delete the free one and cleared cache. It seem to be working again.. Hope this helps you 116699
wifi issues

i'm running ss5.4 on og droid. my wifi picks up with great signal strength but drops back to 3g and back to wifi over and over relentlessly. can't get anything to run right without a signal of some sort. i live in a rural area so i rely on my wifi for speed. any suggestions?
check your wireless ap list. for me GB seems to be creating duplicate entries for wifi signals.
wifi issues

no comprende. i'm compitent but no pro. how do i modify ap list. what should i be looking for? please forgive the newbness. as i said, i'm self taught. trial and error got me this far
Still having wifi drop and rexonnect

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Tried all suggestion and still nothing. Wifi connect disconnect 3g connect disconnect

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There is a app on the market called "Wifi Fixer" and it is the free app that appears first when you search for it in the market. Fixed my problem and I have not had any problem since I installed it. It is for Rooted and Stock phones of any kind.
Tried wifi fixer did nothing. Is there something in settings that might need tweeked

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I have the exact same problem, except my phone isn't rooted. It will connect to wifi networks without issue, but will quickly "hang" on the network after starting a download and I will have to restart before it will work again. This is obviously a software bug because restarting Wifi will return connectivity (for a few seconds) without having to do anything to the networking equipment. All my other devices access the network just fine.

When it isn't working, applications claim that no connection is available, even though 3G is still working. Sometimes the Wifi connection will automatically drop, sometimes not.

I have read that avoiding 802.11n or AES encryption will help, but I don't observe that to be true. Download enough data, and it will hang.

This is truly worrisome because I am effectively locked out of using Wifi at all. Really a huge problem with this Droid X. I'm upset with Motorola.

Interesting to note, they acknowledged the issue with Froyo and claimed to have a fix in the "next version". Now that I'm on GB, it seems to be alive and well, if not worse. Please join me on the Moto support boards asking for a fix. They need many voices to join in before they listen.
I don't know if you've tried this, but have you tried changing your "WiFi Sleep Policy?" Setting|Wifi Settings. Then, press the menu key and select Advanced|Wifi Sleep Policy. This has worked for me in the past.
I don't know if you've tried this, but have you tried changing your "WiFi Sleep Policy?" Setting|Wifi Settings. Then, press the menu key and select Advanced|Wifi Sleep Policy. This has worked for me in the past.

Yeah, that was one of the first things I tried.
I have tried sbf, reinstalling gb. many reboot. Several different wifi fixer apps, different settings on my router. Yet still no fix.. The only thing I haven't tried is getting a new phone.
From what I can gather, gb on some droid x's don't like certain router.

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