will we get key lime pie?

Personally I hope there are NOT anymore upgrades that kill the apps I use the most. I have not upgraded to JB yet and may not after JB killed Foxfi. What's next back to a dumb phone because of upgrades?:angry:
they want money from us. Anything Verizon can charge for that is available for free will probably eventually be disabled so we have to pay.
No official word but I highly doubt it. The phone has already been discontinued by Verizon so I doubt it will receive anymore updates.
No official word but I highly doubt it. The phone has already been discontinued by Verizon so I doubt it will receive anymore updates.
I agree. The Droid RAZR is soon to be a thing of the past. I'm personally considering the Samsung Galaxy S4 when it's released.
yeah but what about those of us duped by the $1 price at best buy last October?
Lots of us have a perfectly good Razr, but its been out a long time, and newer technology has pushed it into oblivion.
It's alright with me. I'll use mine till something better strikes my fancy. Nothing really wrong with JB.
I have a niece who is content with Gingerbread. (It's what you need to be happy).
Yeah.... remind me again how paying $1 for a Droid Razr is getting duped.

I paid Verizon for the pre-release (I think it was $199), then two months later the Maxx was dropped on the market. WTFO.

Buying a phone/device/gadget right when it's about to be out-dated by a mind-numbing technology pace, is not necessarily a bad thing (in fact, I bet that methodology is Clark Howard approved...). The RAZR is still a great device.