(WIP)Black n Bold by thebowers

Inverted Market is now in the OP. Please, Please make a backup before trying it. There is a link there as well to a thread on the issues I had with it and how to make it work correctly. You should be fine if you never touched the Vending.apk before.
Just an fyi, I tried both the clear button fix and black market updates you posted and this is what I got.

The 1st pic is after the inverted market fix (it has white on white text for the titles of each app), and the 2nd is after the clear button. Not sure if it was something I did or not. However I did them you suggested. And I've been at this stuff since January.
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Just an fyi, I tried both the clear button fix and black market updates you posted and this is what I got.

The 1st pic is after the inverted market fix (it has white on white text for the titles of each app), and the 2nd is after the clear button. Not sure if it was something I did or not. However I did them you suggested. And I've been at this stuff since January.

Well here is the thing. Are you running SD7 or LithumMod? The services.jar is specifically for SD7 and will cause issues on other roms. The market issue was something that part of a code that I had changed in LithuMod. That issue isn't in SD7 as I corrected it.
Love this theme! Great work... but if I may make one suggestion: The battery % white text on very light grey in damn near impossible to read. Any chance on making the text black?
Ah... yes, that would have been pertinent information. Sorry bout that. I'm on Lithium (no pun intended :blink:).

The market issue only shows itself after you do a search and the results come up. It shows the white title for a app which of course is on a white back ground.
All of this is certainly forgivable until you complete the theme as a whole.

I just wanted to inform ya. I reverted back to to a back up, and I'm good to go.

I wanted to ask tho, in your OP you mentioned adding color to this theme, is that still the case? My hope is that you keep it more like it is now, as it is absolutely very stylish and classy as it is. But that is just my humble opinion.
Noticed a few more things in Gmail...
The "Show pictures" button is black on black, as are the labels if you check the box on a message and select Labels. Still loving it, this theme is my absolute favorite, now I just need to get a new Droid to match its awesomeness. (Mine kind of took a dump two weeks ago, and now it's dented, scratched, and bent, not to mention running really slow. :()
Ah... yes, that would have been pertinent information. Sorry bout that. I'm on Lithium (no pun intended :blink:).

The market issue only shows itself after you do a search and the results come up. It shows the white title for a app which of course is on a white back ground.
All of this is certainly forgivable until you complete the theme as a whole.

I just wanted to inform ya. I reverted back to to a back up, and I'm good to go.

I wanted to ask tho, in your OP you mentioned adding color to this theme, is that still the case? My hope is that you keep it more like it is now, as it is absolutely very stylish and classy as it is. But that is just my humble opinion.

I am going to continue to make it black and white. I was going to add color where everything was white. Sort of a thank you to my wife for letting me do this (she wanted pink). Now we are selling her droid so I don't know :(

The white in search was an issue on the LM version I did. I will do a new maybe this weekend.

The black text on black buttons happens in gmail, maps, latitude and some other apps. Mainly these are google apps. I will put known issue in OP so we aren't repeated this.
Awesome man. And I can't seem to say this enough.... I think this theme is truly one of, if not hands down best looking themes I've seen. Much props.
Liquid Frozen Yogurt version available now. Link to it is in the OP.
My docks are in the OP at the bottom. As for other peoples docks I would suggest the forum for launcherpro. There are tons of backgrounds that others have created.
My docks are in the OP at the bottom. As for other peoples docks I would suggest the forum for launcherpro. There are tons of backgrounds that others have created.

Oh, the pictures of them? So you just save them and apply them? Hmm, I never changed the dock before. lol Thanks for the heads up!