Xoom Case?


New Member
Jan 7, 2011
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Anyone have any recommendations for a case for your new Xoom?

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I use the portfolio case and I love it. It also doubles as a stand.
I have the same case as above, but I will admit I would like other options in cases as this case meets only some of my needs/desires
Dont really see that being any different than the portfolio case, hoping for something a bit more unique lol.
Almost dismissed that suggestion out of hand but after looking at it thats a pretty nifty lil device. Not really anything I need but i can totally see the market for it.
Xoom case

Thanks for sending the link to the leather portfiio style case! It's good that someone is making an alternative to the plastic Motorola one. I watched the YouTube video of the plastic one and wasn't terribly impressed - especially for $40! For now, I just went to my local Walmart and picked up a SwissGear netbook bag for it.
Can you post a pic of the swiss army bag?

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Swiss Gear bag pic

Here's the Walmart Swiss Gear bag. It was in the neighborhood of $17.50. It's a little big, but nicely padded. I hope this picture comes out!
I got the portfolio case from VZW and am not thrilled with it. As soon as I can find a better option I'm taking this one back.
My complaints are the overall quality being a little cheap and having a plastic-y feel that doesn't compliment this fine tab at all.
The actual fit is not great either. You have to "unsnap" it from the lower half to prop up in the angled mode. Doing this causes small buff or scratches on the sides. Also, to close the case takes quite a bit of squeezing and forcing. Its just not a nice fit like the ipad cases in my opinion

Looking for options...

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High quality cases

I've used this company for accessory and laptop cases in the past and their quality is the best I've seen. Little on the pricey side, worth it for me though as I travel everywhere with my Xoom, its becoming indispensable for me fast.

They do a great job with customization of pockets, colors and straps and have many options for the Xoom. I'm ordering the Ultimate today and will report back when it arrives.

They also have great videos for each case that helps you see and decide which fits your needs.

SFBags - WaterField Designs - Tablet Cases - Motorola Xoom - Galaxy Tab
Skinomi skin would be my choice stuck on my droid for a year and then came off without a prob when I sent mine back. Had to purchase another tho, but my droid still fit into both the car dock and desk dock. That was the deal breaker for me. I use both everyday. And taking a case on and off that often would probably cause more damage than just not having on at all.

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