Your Battery Posts here!!

I've been doing the 3-finger salute to my droid every morning, best app killer ever! Battery life goes a bit longer as well and 3G seems more reliable too.
I did a quick Google search on the Droid batteries and came up with plenty of options for batteries, chargers and of couse an entire load of other accessories. Droid batteries are running around $US40 for OEM while grey market batteries are coming in around $US20. Chargers are all over the map in terms of pricing and I am sure you can get them at most mall kiosks or Radio Shack as well.
so i recently got my droid and since then i have been using only certified Motorola charges for in home and in car chargers. and as for battery usage...has anyone did any research if the 2.0.1 update helped battery life?
Battery life

I tried the battery in freezer technique(have 2 batteries) and added the Power Control widget. I use my phone a lot for voice, apps, and e-mail but now I only use one battery a day. Before I was going through two!! I have really noticed an improvement in battery life with the same amount of usage as before.:heart::motdroidvert:
I got a $7 (shipping included) battery from eBay seller bridge_wireless. Works fine, lasts me morning to evening. It might hold slightly less than the OEM one (which I carry as a spare), but not enough to make any difference to me.