I was curious about how accurate Circle Battery Widget really was, so I sent the developer an email yesterday concerning the accuracy of this app and this is what he replied (the conversation is pretty short and direct):
The value is not an approximating value, it's a value read in a system file.
2011/2/24 XXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX <XXXXXXX@hotmail.com>:
> I've been wondering how accurate the measurements are by your widget? Does
> it take actual 1% increment/decrement measurements or is it approximating
> somehow?
> A reply from you would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks
I got this one yesterday, it's nice having the 1% increments showing, but I noticed something rather odd... I've got Perfect system monitor running also, so I can see the 10% increments there.
On the 1% increments, the 10% will drop when the 1% hits 4%.. I hope that made sence.. In other words: 85% = 90% on the 10% widget, 84% = 80%. 75% = 80% & 74% = 70%...
Not that it really matters, I just thought it was ODD that it'd change on the 4% like that...
I'm running my battery down completely, to see if it makes any difference...