I spent a half hour on the phone with Verizon today seeing what they could do for me about my Bionic issues. This replacement has a few burnt pixels and the typical data issues. The first Tech I spoke with wanted me to jump through all the hoops, reset the phone, etc, all the normal stuff. I told him I've been through it all before and this is the 4th time I've called for some kind of help. He tried to tell me through the course of the conversation that despite my Bionic dropping 4G/3G, there would be times where I don't even have 3G coverage because Verizon "Doesn't have 3G everywhere". I told him nicely that my gf's droid has a strong 3G signal even when my Bionic drops 3G. After being offered no help other than a replacement device, I asked to speak with a supervisor. The supervisor reiterated what the tech said, that they could offer me a replacement device, and I nicely asked him how that would help. I asked if he could credit me for the data I pay for that doesn't work. He said he could and offered me a Samsung Droid Charge as a comparable replacement device as well. I told him that there was no way I would accept an older device as a replacement for my 2 month old Bionic. I like my Bionic, but I will not accept a Charge as a replacement. I will be receiving my 3rd Bionic tomorrow, and will be credited for one month of data. The supervisor maintained throughout the conversation that it isn't Verizon's fault that my phone isn't working. He told me that Verizon's data services are there for me to use, but that it's Motorola's fault that the phone has such issues communicating with the network. I have to give the guy I spoke with credit though, he was very professional and didn't talk down to me at all. I would say that I'm somewhat satisfied now, and I'll see what the new Bionic brings.