If I could overhaul the Android Market, here's what I would do:
1. Separate programs based on which version of Android they are intended for. This way Droid users wouldn't have to waste time with apps that don't work on 2.0 or later.
2. Better app organization. Google couldn't honestly think of a way for users to order apps based on things such as ratings, release date, and so on...:icon_rolleyes:
3. A way to ignore certain updates. I can't stand when I get a daily reminder to update PDAnet. I dont need better Mac support so why do I need to bother with the update.
4. Automatic updates. If I cant block certain updates then atleast let me set them to auto update.
5. Apps suggested based on the apps I already have. Netflix does this and I love it.
6. Age restricted apps. This doesn't effect me personally, but I could really see parents liking this.
7. App download lock. So parents dont open a bill with $4000 in app fees. I understand that you need to a credit card to buy them but you give it to a kid once and you're done for.
8. Data usage monitor. I cant say Ive come close to using the 5GB, but maybe some of you have.
9. Save to... I would like the option of determining where I save my apps.
10. Video previews. Rather then 2 preview images, all preview videos. it would be like commercials for apps.
The search function. Its annoying when you search for an app and then want to search again with similar text. When you select the same search instead of allowing you the option to edit, it automatically does the search again.