Edit 1: Noticing that other options in that same menu are not responding either to what I set them at. I am also disabling the sound notification of when it connects to computer(sd notifications) and it is not disabling it. Anyone else having these issue?
Edit 2: so I noticed that I do have haptic feedback, just not on typing which I was used to. I don't know if that's a change in 2.2 or if something is wrong. Whats weird is I had it on 2.2 before i did the nandroid so idk. Lol any thoughts?
I did the adb steps, so that's why my settings may have been different upon reboot than yours, but mine are fine. The settings in that menu function as per normal, except that the menu click noises are extremely quite (no idea if that's normal, both of my DX's are now on 2.2 deodex, don't care about it enough to flash back.
The keyboard feedback options are in a different menu. Settings->Language & Keyboard->MultiTouch Keyboard Options OR Swype Options. There you can set Vibrate on Keypress and Sound on Keypress/Audio Feedback.
Wow lol you are right the settings were where you said, I had never gone into those settings as I guess they were defaulted the way I had before, but I guess the nandroid backup restore to deodexed had them different and I didn't know about that lol. Thanks for your help. dancedroid