I'm ****ing pissed, I have been waiting ever since their friggin "August 6"bull **** date and I haven't gottten it even when they said that the ota over the air update would be done by the 18th, well I'm here to tell you that's bs. I've been up every night since their other august 12th bs date and I still haven't gotten it and there's no way Id like to do a manual update since over the air is having less problems..someone PLEASE message me and reassure me I'm not being forgotten..
Just who are you pissed at? VZW has never stated that an update was coming in July or August. AFAIK, the only thing they have actually committed to in terms of the Incredible and FroYo is to have it out by Christmas.
VZW didn't say Aug 6, VZW didn't say the 12th or the 18th either. You are getting your panties in a bunch over RUMOR and SUPPOSITION! This is the internet people, folks can make up anything they want and attribute it to any source they want. But until you see something official on VZW's website, I wouldn't give a plug nickel for any of the dates that have been flying around this and other websites.
If it's that important to you, root and upgrade yourself. Skyraider 2.2 is running just fine for me. I think it may actually be more stable than what came on the phone.