Not for sure if this was directed to me or not. However, that is the baseband that is listed on my phone.
I am in an area (just outside of Lincoln, NE) that Verizon took over from Alltel little better than a year ago if I remember correctly. My wifes Eris works fine here though. I have a co-worker with the same baseband on his droid and it works fine?
I also have the same baseband version. I've been having problems with reception at home, but not really anywhere else (Omaha, NE). Just terrible, dropping calls all the time. It all started about the time I manually updated to Froyo (The first update). I thought it might be from that problem, but my wife has the Devour and it has had the same issues. I stumbled upon this forum:
Free Verizon Wireless Extender, Improve Cell Phone Reception in your house. (High Speed Connection Required) - Forums
It talks about a process to obtain a free network extender for my home. This is the only place I really have reception issues and I haven't really noticed 3G issues. I was contacted by my local rep and they mentioned the work that was being done with Alltel towers switchover. She mentioned that my area (Millard) was especially terrible and had noticed issues. They said it would be fixed by today (8/31), and so its not and I'll contact them again. But she was willing to credit half of my bill ($65) which is the most they can credit. Hopefully the tower issue is resolved or I at least get a free network extender (Normally $150 after rebate). We'll see I guess. You should try this process too.
Go Huskers!