I think I hear what you're saying. I do use GO Launcher, so this may be something to try. You're saying go into my /system/app folder and find the apps I don't like...I'll use flkr as an example...rename "blur_flickr.apk" to "blur_flickr.apk.bak" and that should hide it? Then, when an OTA is available, I would just go back into RE and delete the .bak on those that I renamed? Soounds easy enough. If that's the case, tell me if this would work: Could I back up ALL system apps & data in TiBU, then delete everything I don't want? Then, when an OTA is available, just restore all the back up files?
I know I'm basically asking the same thing over and over, but here's where I'm coming from...I've had a Droid 1 for quite a while and as we all know, it didn't have much memory. I ran quite a few custom ROMs, mostly Liquid ROMs, which slim it down quite a bit. If everything ran smoothly, I wouldn't flash another ROM unless I eventually ame across a problem. If the Razr is running smooth, and I like the ROM that's on here, I probably won't care about too many OTAs unless they decide to drop ICS. It seems more worth it to me to free up memory, and thus speed, than to have a bunch of crap "hidden" on here that will never get used just in case an OTA drops. From my past expierence, ROMs are usually leaked here before the OTA anyway, and I could flash it then...correct? Or, will I sitll not even be able to flash a leaked ROM without the bloat?
Would my TiBU idea work? Backing it all up, deleting garbage, then restoring backup before flashing updated ROM?