You should be able to have dual NAMS, but most carriers despise this, and they lie stating it can't be done, it can.
even my antique phones had this option readily available, and I had a dual NAM on several of mine, but lately, I have not had a use for such a thing.
I was always being told it creates a billing problem, which is B.S, it only creates a problem because they HATE doing such things, two numbers tied to a single NAM or IMEI is easy, the carriers simply despise doing this.
Although, none of our Droids have the option in the activation menu to store two NAMS, just one for your MIN and the second for the voicemail number, or MDN.
even my antique phones had this option readily available, and I had a dual NAM on several of mine, but lately, I have not had a use for such a thing.
I was always being told it creates a billing problem, which is B.S, it only creates a problem because they HATE doing such things, two numbers tied to a single NAM or IMEI is easy, the carriers simply despise doing this.
Although, none of our Droids have the option in the activation menu to store two NAMS, just one for your MIN and the second for the voicemail number, or MDN.