2015: Android #1, Appl... wait, no, Windows Phone 7 #2?

...and we can't rule out Windows mobile either. Windows is a strong company, and has got its sights set on mobile/cloud computing. Google and Apple have both grossly underestimated their capabilities. With the money and R&D teams that Microsoft has, they are extremely flexible.

I'm not familiar with anything on the horizon for RIM, but I do know that unless they have something BIG planned to change the face of RIM, then they're toast by 2015.
I wouldnt sleep on WP7. I feel they adapted well with the hardware and software with WP7. Some more or better advertising and they might surprise some ppl. Android being #1 in 2015? Its possible, and believable. I also I think WP7 has a shot to be #1 in 2015.

It offers choice like Android. Choice is always a good thing.

About the iPhone continuing to grow. It isnt really growing. Its staying level. Thats not a bad thing. But, it gives others a chance to bypass them. I mean yea each new iPhone has outsold the previous one, but for them to not really gain in marketshare is strange. The iPhone going to Verizon should show some increase. I think for the iPhone to grow anymore it needs to be on all the major carriers, put on some smaller carriers, or put out some different types of phones.

WP7 being #2 instead of the iPhone in 2015? Its possible. Never say never. Didnt we all learn this over the past 2 years with Android?
IDC Group isnt known for having good "predictions"
Missed the iPad guesstimate by a longshot.
New Market and all,but If your going to Forecast you should have something to back up your guesses.

IDC - Press Release - prUS22345010

There is way to much that can change in the timeframe they have make there guesses about these percentages.

After thinking about the #1 spot , I think Android will have that spot.
With Buy One Get one and cheaper phone's, Possibly free phone in the future. If not out there already.
lol, widows failed a mobile OS before. It's a bit premature to predict that kind of takeover. Especially when google, and yes even apple, are putting out superior products right now
With Nokia WP7 has a huge partner and while they may not be big in the US they own the rest of the world and MS has huge assets to throw into WP7. Just like the xbox MS kept throwing money at it and xbox 360 is the leader for serious gamers. Now with the kinect being the fastest selling consumer electronics device ever they have shown how they can ride a platform and make it stick. WP7 is a good OS and has huge potential as it has M$ behind it they can subsidize it until it catches on. MS is in this for the long haul.

IOS/Iphone on the other hand will keep being the cool phone that is overpriced and sells to the drones and that is just how apple has survived so far. They sell the cool factor they are a fashion statement and they sell it accordingly and with big profit margins. Apple will be happy for some time to come because while they may be #3 they will solely hold the #3 spot where as android and MP7 will be on multiple OEMs, with multiple app markets and multiple media markets. So don't worry about apple they will be in their sweet spot and make huge profits.
One other thing in 2015 there will be a far greater amount of smartphone users so ea % of market share will be a greater number of phones. So for apple that lower total market share will still mean they will sell more phone in 2015 than in 2012...