I don't know who has been feeding bad info but I do not.
I bought a 32 Gig Micro SD Card from Verizon.
When the Droid X was coming out they offered the card for $99.00.
That is the best price I have seen.
So, yes there is a 32 Gig Micro SD Card.
The early posts in this thread saying "They do not exist" were posted back in November and December - when 32gb microSD cards did not exist! So it's not bad info - it's just really outdated because people keep responding to a really old thread (myself included). I wish threads would get automatically locked after they've been inactive for a few months.
And the comments warning of fake cards are still to be heeded. If the price looks too good to be true, it IS. There are ways to take a small SD card and corrupt it such that it looks like a larger capacity. On a PC it will show up and say the correct size, but if you try to actually put that much data on it and read it back off, you will see a LOT of problems. And the card will never really work in a device.
But yes, 32gb microSD cards DO exist now. I also purchased the 32gb card from Verizon when they had a deal with the Droid X. I paid $50, though