Xander Crews
Active Member
As a matter a fact,i have 2 stock batts and they work for me.Bought the spare batt chrgin kit.
Any issues with the cover clips/tabs getting worn out by frequently switching batteries?
I could see that being an issue.
If I was a heavy user and needed to switch batteries numerous times a week, it seems like it would get old shutting it down every time you wanted to switch batteries.
I know when I was looking at the Nexus at the Verizon store, that security cord that attaches to the back plate pulled the back plate right off the phone when you picked it up. I clipped it back on and turned the phone over and it came right off again...rather easily. The display model probably gets beat to hell as far as handling goes...but it's just something I noticed. The back cover seemed worn out and wouldn't stay on because that cord kept pulling it off.