4.7 inch display packin’ HTC Runnymede exposed with Beats Audio in tow?

To both of you, I'm not talking in the real world, as the brits have some weird azzed names for stuff, but clubs, townships, etc are fine.

For a phone?

"Yo, I want the new HTC Runnymede please" It doesn't roll off the tongue in terms of phone names.

Internal code names rarely do.
No , VZ never killed it's competition with the phones , the only advantage it had was a better network . Remember , even when they released the OG Droid , it was released as an alternative for the iPhone on VZ , the best phone that everybody wanted at the time was the iPhone , and VZ didn't had it .

I have to agree, Verizon has always had a second rate lineup of phones. The OG Droid came out and then within a few months the Nexus hit. That's the one thing that has always bugged me about Verizon, the phone selection.
I have to agree, Verizon has always had a second rate lineup of phones. The OG Droid came out and then within a few months the Nexus hit. That's the one thing that has always bugged me about Verizon, the phone selection.
I've said this before and I was flamed for it. If you really think about it, it's true.
Atrix released Feb.13|Bionic hasn't been released yet

Verizon really has a poor choice of Android phones when you look at what Sprint (Evo series), AT&T (Infuse, Inspire, Atrix), and T-Mobile (G2X, MyTouch series). That's just 4G phones alone...let's not start with 3G phones. Hopefully this starts to change with the Bionic, SG2LTE/Prime, Vigor, this and so on.
I personally would love a 4.7 inch phone. My only concern would be battery life.

I had more typed, but it would derail this thread, as it was an attack against every poster on here that believes THEY know what consumers want. That's a huge joke to me. Especially seeing some of the same posters in other threads arguing over specs and proclaiming they're going to wait for X phone because it has Y.

But I digress....
The beats audio doesn't entice me all that much, with poweramp ANY phones can sound amazing

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