I'm wondering this also. Bc if 4G gonna cost a crazy price or have a $30 with only 2 gigs or just 5 gigs ill get an x and wait 2 yrs til 4g goes down in price or offers unlimited at a decent price.
Sent from my Sourcery using DroidForums App
I'm wondering this also. Bc if 4G gonna cost a crazy price or have a $30 with only 2 gigs or just 5 gigs ill get an x and wait 2 yrs til 4g goes down in price or offers unlimited at a decent price.
Sent from my Sourcery using DroidForums App
I'm in the same boat, I've been really leaning toward getting the Thunderbolt over the X, but if the pricing is higher, than I'm just going to get the X...
I asked this question in the release date thread but only got 1 response, so I'll just ask here as well, with the Thunderbolt, can you switch from 3G to 4G and vice versa?? I go to school in a city that will be getting 4G this year, but I come home a lot of weekends where they prob won't be getting 4G for a few years. So when I'm at school, I'll be able to use 4G but not when I go home for weekends, it would have to be 3G...just wasn't sure if you could do that..this is assuming the pricing is the same
I'm wondering this also. Bc if 4G gonna cost a crazy price or have a $30 with only 2 gigs or just 5 gigs ill get an x and wait 2 yrs til 4g goes down in price or offers unlimited at a decent price.
Sent from my Sourcery using DroidForums App
I'm in the same boat, I've been really leaning toward getting the Thunderbolt over the X, but if the pricing is higher, than I'm just going to get the X...
I asked this question in the release date thread but only got 1 response, so I'll just ask here as well, with the Thunderbolt, can you switch from 3G to 4G and vice versa?? I go to school in a city that will be getting 4G this year, but I come home a lot of weekends where they prob won't be getting 4G for a few years. So when I'm at school, I'll be able to use 4G but not when I go home for weekends, it would have to be 3G...just wasn't sure if you could do that..this is assuming the pricing is the same
Yes you can use 3G. Confirmed here in a few threads and on Android Central. I believe you can turn off the 4G radio if you choose to always use 3G.
My local verizon rep's official word on this is $29.99 a month for unlimited 3G/4G. This is likely introductory pricing, so as not to scare people away from the new LTE phones, so I would jump on board early to lock that in for a good long time. I'm 100% sure on this too.![]()
Well lets just hope that it's true that it's only 29.99$, well verizon has stated many many times it's going to tiered pricing so maybe they either just don't know how to best implement that plan yet, or decided to back away from it for alittle while. I'm hoping it's really not just a introductory pricing.
Well lets just hope that it's true that it's only 29.99$, well verizon has stated many many times it's going to tiered pricing so maybe they either just don't know how to best implement that plan yet, or decided to back away from it for alittle while. I'm hoping it's really not just a introductory pricing.
If it is an intro pricing it'd be worth it to jump on the Bolt now to lock in the rate. But what happens if they do increase it by the time your contract is up? Will you still be locked into the price or since you're signing a new contract you have to pay a new rate?
Actually you are grandfathered in so long as your phone number is active on Verizon and your plan for that phone number does NOT change (dumbphone, then switch back to smartphone, etc). If you cancel service on your phone line then re-join verizon and reactivate the number, then you lose unlimited 3G/4G, assuming unlimited is temporary.
But that's terrific! No price change AND unlimited! Truly the best we could have hoped for. I see my Dinc going on eBay haha
I wouldn't have an issue of $45 for 3G/4G IF, and I do mean IF it includes tethering. Otherwise its a non starter.