Check Verizon's 4g coverage map for your city. The only thing I can think of is that you could be on the edge of the area where 4g is available. If Verizon just brought 4g to your area, it may take a while for them to expand the coverage to all areas of the city. Have you tried testing the speed in different parts of the city? Where I live I average 4g speeds of 4-7mbps but if I go downtown my speeds average 14-18 mbps.
I do not live in a 4G area. I have to go into town for 4G. When I first got my Bionic, and later with my Gnex, I drove all over town testing 4G speeds. I was amazed at that the speed differences. I mean it was from 3K to 27K download!
Ya thts crazy ill have to check the map also and c actually how close to the coverage range I'm in and hopefully the update the area if tht is the problem .... I also wonder if this has ne thing to do wit my mobile hotspot because it wont let ne devices connect?