It will work and u will be on 893. This doesn't solve anything and is what caused the problem. It updates the kernel but future ora leaks now fail after doing this.
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
i updated to 893, so my kernel and radio were updated to what that version had. I then tried the later leaked update 894 or something else, i forget, and it fails because the kernel is not stock. I then reverted everything (even radio with back to 886 stock. Only the kernel is stuck on what 893 gave us. the 894 update still fails cause of the kernel. I was able to reapply the 893 update tho - i guess it sees that the kernel is the same as what it would be patching so it allows it.
SO, in summary, the only way that we will be able to take the official ota when it comes out is if
1) the kernel is EXACTLY what it is in the 893 update (which is doubtful to me since 894 already had changes)
2) the OTA update for some reason doesnt do the kernel check
3) we find a signed or some way to actually get the kernel back to stock
4) badass dev unlocks bootloader
5) badass dev finds a way to get around this nonsense by using second init or something to apply any kernel changes we might need, but wouldn't be the perfect solution
thats my take on it. just gonna wait it out for now
Is there anyway to upgrade the radio? My radio is stock but kernel is 893
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two posts back it just worked for me didnt you read ????? not to be a douche or anything. lol
on another note, i talked to motorola level 2 tech support. they simply said that when the official ota comes out, if it doesnt work then we can just send the phone to them and they will flash it. The warranty is NOT voided because we flashed the leaked update. You'd just have to remove root and whatnot if you did that beforehand. So worst case scenario if you want to get back on the update path and the ota doesnt work when it comes out, that is the fallback option.
um, you are a douche lol? your post made no sense man. you said the full update worked. What full update. how bout some context? You have the official full update from motorola that everyone will be getting soon? I"m saying that the update to 873 worked and i am off the upgrade path. what am i missing. This thread is about reverting completely back to stock to get back on the update path.
use this full update - - - Easily upgrade to 5.7.893, keep root AND webtop now- xda-developers
flash this with stock recovery after using r3l3as3droot from - - - [ROOT] R3L3AS3D W/FOR3V3R ROOT V1.0 LINUX/WINDOWS (Get ROOT after 893 OTA OOPS) - RootzWiki
This will get you stock .886 as you can be after flash the full update from stock recovery and you will be good to go.
Is there anyway to upgrade the radio? My radio is stock but kernel is 893
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